We're Just Teenage Lovers


“Anna Lee Jaylynne! Get your ass downstairs now!”
“Yes mama I’m coming.” My Fragile frame scurrying down the hall, into the living room and into the kitchen.
“About damned time child.” Mama says tapping her foot and watch.
“Mama I ran as fast as I could.” I try not to whine.
“Not fast enough. Are you ready for school?” She says slightly aggravated.
“Yes mama.” I sigh.


That was the last day I saw my parents. They died on the way to pick me up from school in a car accident. They say it was a semi-trailer driver who fell asleep at the wheel. I have every reason to believe Papa was racing someone. Papa was always the one for dangerous things. He was always making me test his chemicals to see if they were capable of killing… they never killed me, just sent me to hospital a lot, but it just changed and messed with my DNA. A lost child I am. I do not have family. No relatives thanks to Papa’s experiments. I actually don’t exist when you look at the technical side. My Papa screwed me over. As for Mama, she was always cheating on Papa when Papa was away on business trips. Mama always brought her boyfriends home. Most of them beat me, and other would rape me when Mama was asleep. I was always told I deserved it, so I grew up thinking I deserved every minute of the pain. I once found out I was pregnant and tried to kill myself because I knew Mama would freak. Pain and suffering is what I’m used to hell I like BDSM bondage. It turns me on. Sad I know but it’s my stupid fetish.

I walk out of the house and over to the power box and hijack it for some electricity for heat. Yeah my house hasn’t been touched in years. I came out here after my parents died. The police said I had to go to a youth shelter, in other words that meant an orphanage or a foster home, and there was no way I was going there. So I ran away from the cops that night and they haven’t found me since. I always have to hijack the power box just outside to get heat, because I don’t want to freeze o death. The people next door just end up paying for it, ad they’re loaded anyways.

I work at a strip club for gays and bi’s. It’s called Buzz. Sad name for a strip club, but hey I didn’t founder it. I got to school on top of that, and I get paid out cause most of the popular jocks go there and I have to dance for them. It sucks.
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I know its been a long time since i last posted a story on here, and this probably sucks, but i would like comments on it; is it good? is it bad? should i continue or not?

much love

<3 xoxx
