We're Just Teenage Lovers


“Krystal!... KRYSTAL! Are you ready for school?!” Mama yells.
“Yes mama! I’m coming!” I yell down the stairs.
“Well hurry it up! I gotta drop Jason, Mitchy and Emily off to school too, you’re not the only child in this house.” God she’s started on me again.
“I know I’m not the only fucking child ma! I’m surprised you even remember I’m still here cause you’re always caught up in everyone else’s shit.” I yell back whilst running down the stairs. “In fact, you know what; I’m going to walk today. Good-fucking-bye!” and with that I ran out the front door, slamming it shut.

I was so angry, I didn’t even look where I was going, until I ran into something and fell flat on my arse.

“Sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going, I was mad and I had-“ I was cut off by a purple and black tipped finger. I looked up. It was the girl from next door.
“Hey, it’s alright. I heart yelling anyway. What’s your name?” she asked.
“Uhh my names Krystal with a ‘K’. Yours?” God I sound so stupid.
“Names Ann.” She smiles and holds out her hand which I shake.
“So uh where do you go to school?” I ask. Stupid, Stupid question.
“Fortitude Et Spe College for girls.” Oh My Gee how does she pay for the school fees? “No I go to the local high school. I love it so much I can’t remember the name. You?’ she replies with truth and sarcasm dripping through the last words.
“I got to Trembleson High.”
“That’s the one. How come I never seen you around?” she replies.
“I keep my nose buried in books or study; I practically live in the library and the computer rooms.”
“Figures.” She says with a sigh.
“Shall we keep walking? We’re going to be late.” I ask and extend my arm in offer, one that she accepts.
“Yes we shall. But I don’t really care about being late.” She says.
“Yeah, but I don’t wanna get a detention today.” I reply.


“So I’m having this party in 2 weeks, and I want you to come.”
“You do? You’ve only known me 1 day.” She says.
“And I’ve lived next door to you for 10 years. So I think I know a little more that one day worth of knowledge.” Oops that came out wrong.
“Have you been stalking me?” She half jokes and yells.
“No I’ve just seen you a lot lately.”
“Oh.” She replies.” Disappointment filled just one word.

If I wasn’t mistaken, I think she could like me. Nah, who could ever like me? I have no luck with guys heck I haven’t even got luck with girls.

“You wanna walk home with me?” I ask her.
“Y-yeah sure.” I think my suspicisions could be right for once.
“Sweet! Let’s go.”
“Just gotta get my bags. Stay here, or you could come with me.” I decided to follow her.


We got to her house and she invited me to stay the night but I had to decline because of my parents. You know rich bitches not wanting anything to spoil their reputation, and I respected that. After all I could be severely punished. So I walked her to her front door.

“Well uh here’s my stop.”
“Yeah see you tomorrow.” I said. As I was turning to leave she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. The next thing I knew our faces were inching closer towards each other until her warm velvet lips were on mine. It felt great, but was lasting too long. I pulled away and ran into my house, leaving a dumbstruck Anna behind on her front porch.

I ran into my room and sat on my bed crying and my fingers were tracing where her lips had been only moments ago. I was so confused as to what had happened. I felt love, anger, hate, lust. The only way to stop feeling what I felt was to end my life. I searched through every medicine cabinets that we had and took all the strong pain killers and some xanax pills, found the straight pure alcohols and went back to my room, content with the amount I that I had taken. It started with 4 pills, then 5, then 12, 14, 20, 40, then 50. I started to loose count at the amount of pills I was taking. My world was fading to black fast, and I was finally happy. I couldn’t feel a single thing. I had forgotten about Anna and her kiss.

“Goodbye cruel world.” I whispered to no one in particular.
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Theres the second chapter, enjoy. ^_^

For those of you who liked it, thankyou, your comments are muchly appriciated.

much love

<3 xoxx