We're Just Teenage Lovers

A Life Long Wait For A Hospital Stay

Anna’s POV
I just stood there not knowing what to do. I sure as hell just kissed her. Oh forget it, she’s straight. She’s not bi or gay; she’s as straight as a fucking table. I can’t believe it.

“You Stupid idiot!” I scolded myself and the people across the road looked at me like I was a mutant thing. I just flipped them off.

She’s probably gone and killed herself. Most of them do anyways. Way to go Anna, way to go. I put my bag inside the door and decided to head to the park. I was almost to Kipling Avenue when these guys drove past yelling profanities at me. Clearly they were drunk. I got to the park and they were following me.

“We saw you kiss that girl and we know you work at that gay club.”
“So What? I’m fucking Bi, what do you fucking want from me?!”
“Oh we were just going to show you what society and the world thinks of lesbians.”
“Correction dickhead! BISEXUAL!”
“Oh you want it now? No problem.” They started coming towards me.

I tried to close my eyes to see if it was all a dream. I opened them again. Nope it was real alright. One pinned me down while the other 3 started kicking, punching and raping me. I couldn’t move anything. One more kick to the stomach and one more punch in the head and I was starting to see black. I’m sure I was dying. I couldn’t feel anything anymore. Everything went black. Am I dead?


I woke up and tried to move but felt immense pain as I did so. I slowly took a view of the room. I was definitely in hospital alright. You can tell by the ceiling too.

“Ahh Miss… uhh… Jaylynne, you’re awake.” A typical slutty looking nurse came in.
“Well no shit Sherlock, this ain’t exactly heaven.” I say sarcastically.
“Language young lady.”
“Anyway when am I getting out? Where in the hospital am I? And who brought me in?” I asked.
“You’re in ICU. Not till… 2 weeks and we don’t know dear.” Great help she was. She said 2 weeks, oh god 2 weeks.
“Just how bad am I dead?”
“Very badly dear. That’s why you’re in ICU.” I feinted on my bed.


The ceiling is rather white… Too white… Hospital white. I think I am dead. Ha whaa- wait a minute Hospital white? I looked around and sure as hell I was in a hospital bed, in a hospital room. But how did I get here?

“Oh you’re awake dear.” Some random nurse says.
“So I’m not dead?” I ask feeling stupid after.
“No, you’re a lucky one. With that amount of pills in your system it was enough to kill 2 people. Sister Martha!? This youngen here needs to be put on suicide watch.” Oh just great.


I waited until everyone was asleep before getting changed and seeing who else wanted to escape this hell. Well if I am awake and can walk, I am okay, just a bit groggy, but that’s beside the point. So I’m getting out of here. As I snuck past the ICU I heard yelling.

“I’m Okay I can leave now!” The girl yells.
“No you can’t, you’re still internally bleeding.” The nurse calmly replies.

I walk towards the entrance of the ward. The girl stopped her yelling and just looked at me. In either awe, shock, warning or a death stare, I couldn’t tell my eyes were going hazy.

“Child, what are you doing here?!” The nurse yells. Great she yells at me and not the girl… fucker.
“I uhh came to see my friend. I understand visiting hours are over.” I lie.
“Let me see ID, thankyou.” The nurse’s brow furrowed.
“Any problems?”
“N-no there isn’t you may stay.”

The girl who was screaming quietened down and the nurse left.

“Hi I’m Krystal.” I introduced myself to the girl.
“A-anna.” She stutters. “Why you here?” She asks.
“I was in the next ward over, but I am fine, I just wanted to get out of here. Why?”
“Just wondering. What where you in for?”
“Apparently I overdosed on ‘enough pills to kill 2 people’.” I told her. “You?”
“I was beaten up, for being Bi or Gay. I don’t remember. I lost my memory from the blows to my head.” She says.
“OhMyGee. Glad to see you’re living.”
“No… The only thing I remember is I kissed this girl and she ran away and probably killed herself.” She says, sadness filling her voice.
“How bout you? Did you loose your memory too?” She asks.
“Yeah. The only thing I remember is I keep seeing a black and purple tipped fingernail… kind of like yours.” I say noticing her fingernail.
“I’m sure you’ll get your full memory back one day.”
“Yeah. You too… Hey you wanna get out of here?”
“Can’t they have me tagged so I cant leave until they release me.”
“Oh. I guess I’ll just stay here then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the cheesyness(sp?) of the last chapter...

but here is the 3rd chapter for this story.

enjoy my skittles

