We're Just Teenage Lovers

Fate Must Have Brought Us Here

“Girls you can leave today.” The nurse says.
“We what? We can leave?” I replied. I can’t believe it, she’s letting us go.
“Yes you can leave. You’re being discharged.”
“Heck yes!” both Krystal and I screamed.


“We have to go our separate ways now. I’ll never forget you. I’ll always be thinking of you.” I told Krystal Really

I don’t know how close, close friends is. Apparently I asked her to be my girlfriend, but I don’t remember asking her. I mean don’t get me wrong but I do like her more than a friend, because I get this gut feeling that we’re meant to be together for the rest of our lives, cliché I know.

“I’ll never forget you either Anna. I’m always thinking of you. I love you.” She said whilst hugging me before she got into the taxi.
“Goodbyes are always hard.” I whisper in her ear, choking back tears before kissing her wind-chapped, soft lips.
“I love you too.” She kissed me that time.

I just stood there watching the taxi take her far away from me. I’ll probably never see her again. And my memory will be gone after I get home. Where is home? I have no clue. I randomly walked around the city until it was dark. I found my place easy… some things are just stored in a huge filing cabinet that never gets damaged in your mind.

(Background music – Smother Me – The Used)

“Anna?!” Someone yelled. Her voice sounded familiar.
“Krystal?!” I replied.
“Holyfuck Anna it is you!” She yelled whilst running towards me.
“Oh Krystal, I missed you so damned much.” I said hugging her tight. I was tempted to kiss her.
“I missed you too Anna. I’m surprised you remembered me.” She said.
“Yeah me too. I guess you can never forget the people you are in love with.” I said, then quickly covered my mouth in realisation of what I said.
“Anna it’s okay. I’ve known you love me for a while. Even though you have memory loss I don’t care I still love you too.”

As I was about to reply, the bell rang its loud annoying noise signalling get to homeroom now, over my words. Fucking bell.

“Why don’t you go die in a fucking hole dykes!’ a jock shouted at us and his friends thought he was funny. We just ignored them. So what if we love each other. LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER.


Everyday I hang out at her place, my memory is slowly coming back to me. The Ortiz’s owned my lot and I practically live with them though. But Krystal and I are treading on thin ice. Her parents are suspecting us. You honestly can’t stop love; it knows no gender and no age. If anyone thinks our love for each other is just a phase, they’re very fucking wrong. I have never felt this for anyone before (That I can remember). They now know that I was scamming off their electricity, funny their reactions, but yeah.

Krystal and I have the same class and we walked down the halls together. Each time our hands brushed against each others, I felt all tingly inside. I tried to grab her hand but people kept looking, I was afraid to hold her hand. We got to our seats and I held her hand under the desk, gently stroking it with my thumb. She didn’t pull her hand back at all. It felt comfortable. It felt right.


“I’ll meet you at my locker in 5.” She said.
“Alright, see you in 5.’ I replied.

I quickly shoved everything that I needed into my bag, and ran to Krystal’s locker. She closed her locker and gave me a hug. She pulled away and gently slipped her arm around my waist. At first it was weird, but I got used to it. I’m getting used to everything like it. It’s as if we’re meant to be together. Like we’re meant to be this way out. I really love Krystal, I really do. I just hope she loves me like I love her.
♠ ♠ ♠
the part where it had the backing music to it, was when i was in my spare at school, as i was writing it i was listening to smother me by the used and just thought that that was the best idea i'd had all day for anything.

hope you enjoy.

thanks to the readers [especially the ones who actually comment] love to all.

<3 xoxx
