We're Just Teenage Lovers

If You Live In My Heart, You Won't Have To Pay Ren

I can’t help but sneak over the fence to her place each night. It’s as if I can’t sleep in any bed without her. It’s like I need her by my side each night. Well no matter what. I feel stronger when we’re together, but I feel so lost when she’s not with me. She’s like my life support. I’d die without her.

“Anna, we’ve decided that you don’t pay us for electricity from now on.”
“Uhh o-okay, are you sure?” She was shocked.
“Yes we are sure.”
“No Problem.”

“Anna I need to see you in my room now.” I say as I started walking up the stairs.
“Okay.” She practically jumped up.

We got to my door and I pushed her inside, closed the doer and pushed her against the door and roughly made out with her. I pulled away not wanting to stop, but since there was banging on the door we had to.

“Hang on!” I shouted and we quickly straightened ourselves out, before opening the door.
“What do you want?”
“We just wanted to see if you guys wanted to go out for dinner tonight.”
“Uhh no thanks, but you can go out yourselves if you like.” I said.
“Okay, we just wanted to know.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked as she was walking out the door. She never answered.

Poor Anna, she had a guilty look on her face, the entire time. Mum is being way too nice, something is wrong. She usually barges in and bangs on the door, but no today she does the exact opposite. Oh I hope to go that she found out what the bastard she calls a husband has been doing to me. Oh what the heck she’ll never have any sympathy or time for me, her “Spawn of the Devil” child. I swear that’s why she hates me, because I have natural blood-fucking-red hair, and I’m so effing pale. I turn to Anna only to find her lying on my bed asleep. I didn’t wanna wake her, so I got changed and got in next to her. She stirred, but only put her head on my chest because she felt my presence in the bed next to her. We fell asleep like that. Only to be awoken at 6am thanks to my stupid alarm clock.

“Hmm… Morning sweetie.” I said to her sleeping figure.
“Mmm, likewise… Your kiss knocks me out.” She stirred.
“Yeah, I can say the same for you.”
“Why do we have to get up this early?” She asked.
“School.” I said bluntly.
“But aint it a public holiday?” She said in a whiney tone.
“I don’t know Charlie, I don’t know.”
“I’m sure it is love.” She said in an upper crust English accent.
“I love you kid.” I laughed. “I’ll go check.”

I went down to the Computer room and looked at the school diary. Low and behold, Anna was right. And came back up to my room, and found Anna in my bathroom straightening her hair.

“We’re on holidays right now for 3 weeks.”
“Oh fuck yes!”
“Language sweetheart.” She poked her tongue out at me, then kissed my nose.
“Well then darling, what shall we do today? Harass tiny kids? Lock people in basements and torture them?” She asks with puppy dog eyes.
“I like your thinking Anna, I like your thinking.”

I ran a comb through my hair and tied it up into a pony tail. I then applied some eyeliner and eye shadow, and I was done by the time Anna got to put the product in her hair and straightened over it again. I swear she’s beautiful, but she doesn’t need to take a billion hours to do her hair!

“Come on babe, we’re running outta time to torture little people.”
“Dude, one more second and I’ll be done.” She said whilst running the straightening iron over her product-covered fringe.
“And I’m done babe.” She said and walked past me grabbing her jacket. Oh she so wants to be me… The hair and everything, lucky for her I lover her and she looks so cute with it.
♠ ♠ ♠
this story has now officially beat my other femmeslash by one chapter...

i plan to keep writing this story for the next few months, and then it will be over... but not yet... theres still alot more to come.

so enjoy my skittles.

<3 xoxx
