We're Just Teenage Lovers

I Was Lost But Now Am Profound

Anna's POV continued
Once in the city we just bummed round the place, hoping to talk to people, scaring kids and in general making mothers with toddlers and 10 year olds pull their children as far away as possible, and having most people in disgust at what we are. But in reality isn’t it who we are? Not what we are. We’re living, breathing yet intoxicating beings of great complication.

Krystal’s POV
I really don’t think I should have given Anna the extra shot of coffee with the sugar… She terrorised this one woman with a young child of 5 or so, but the kid loved what she did; she was smiling and laughing, and her mother was freaking out, trying to grab her child away from the depths and prominent cavities of Anna’s coffee/sugar high/outburst. It doesn’t matter anymore; I wouldn’t trade Anna’s outbursts for anything in the world. I’d rather see the pure look of shock horror on their faces whenever Anna harasses the people. MY BEAUTIFUL ANNA.

A life without fun is a life that needs to be saved. So what if the fun will make you go to hell. Live it up and let go. Live life to the fullest because you never know when you’re going to die.

“Babe I think you’ve done enough harassing for today… let’s go do something else.”
“Hmm we could… We could… INFLITRAIT AND DESTROY THE SCENE FROM WITHIN!” oh god the sugar has got to her head.
“And how do you suggest we do that? Seeming that they don’t usually accept people from the outside who are complete nutters and who are OFF THEIR NUT!?” She had shifty eyes.
“… Well I know a few people in there remember… and they think that we’re cute… and we could get to know them and and and oh forget it.”
“Ha… Well that is a great idea darling… I’M GOING TO JOIN YOU!!” People looked at me weirdly, I just flipped them off. Damn the sugar was getting to me too. Maybe it’s the kisses laced with sugar, morphine, coffee and a happy drug; no it’s just Anna, the perfect drug that I will never stop my addiction to.

One thing I never used to do before her was this whole hyper activeness thing. Everyday was always the same… cooped up inside with nothing to do, no one to go anywhere with, it was just to school and come home from school. I had the guts to skip but never had anyone to skip with, and now I sometimes skip with Anna, but we actually want to get somewhere in life, like a real job. It’s sometimes annoying when I’m not exactly in the happy mood, but never the less I love her to bits.

We ended up going and talking to Cory, but we didn’t exactly ‘fit in’ although we did manage to get ‘adopted’ so to speak. I lost Anna quite a few times… I don’t know where she went to. And I’ve still lost her right now.

“Anna! God damn it Anna! Where the fuck are you?” I shouted and asked myself.

I looked past heads and people but never saw her, I decided to call her. Her message bank picked up the call that never happens she always answers her phone even in class. I can only think the worst and hope for the best. I hated being alone in people situations, I hate being without Anna.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys its ending, but assignments and exams are piling on top of each other it sucks.... i'm already behind in 2 subjects... that's my fault cause i can't concentrait and yeah, but i do get the homework done.

anyway enjoy the 3rd last chapter my little skittles.

<3 xoxx
