We're Just Teenage Lovers

The Hardest Part Of Sleeping Is Waking Up

Anna’s POV
I couldn’t see Krystal anywhere, I couldn’t find my phone, I couldn’t see anyone I knew, or just met. I didn’t know where I was. Krystal never leaves me alone, never. I felt like I was dying and bruised all over, then suddenly everything went black. I couldn’t even see my hand in front of my face. I was conscious, I knew it, but what seemed to be my surroundings was pitch black. I closed my eyes to try and remember where I last was and what had happened. Something did I just don’t know. What about Krystal, I hope she’s okay. That girl worries about me too much, should I even be worrying about myself right now? For her sake. All I know right now is the fact that I might not get out of this alive. I felt around in my pockets and I couldn’t find my wallet, my phone, my house keys, not even my chewing gum. Some people are sad, sad fuckers. I heard footsteps and then the creaking of a heavy metal door.

“Anna, we have reason to believe you were part of a terrorist scam from the middle east. Is this true? Are you part of a secret convent?”
“No that isn’t true. And not I’m not. What is this? Interrogate and destroy a young life? Listen man, I’m the future generation of today, and there wont be anymore if you keep doing this to us youths. Going around and thinking that we’re plotting to annihilate the older generations living today… We’re not doing that.”
“Oh you’re all always in some sort of clique, or group, or club or whatever you call it today. So yes we have reason to believe a lot of things that the youth of today is doing.”
“God who are you? Who the hell are you to accuse us of plotting against the system? Even though the system is full of many flaws; for instance everyone should be aloud to marry whom ever they want right… wrong, gays aren’t allowed to tie the effing knot. That’s just one thing I’d like to point out there. And where the hell am I?”
“I am the creator of this universe and this so called system!.. I am… I am! I am your worst nightmare!”
“Mhmm so you’re a cute cuddly bunny with a turquoise tulle tutu?”
“Well then just tell me your name, so I can get out of here and get back to Krystal.”
“I wouldn’t do that, because I am smarter than you! Aha!”
“Okay then, I’m just going to go back to lying down and sleeping, I need sleep anyways… and give me back my gum. You can’t keep me here forever, you’re going to have to feed me at some point… I’m a child I need to be looked after.”
“Ah fine, the name’s James!”
“Ha reverse psychology works like a charm don’t it?”
“Damn you children!”
“No damn you older people for teaching us the ways of everything, actually I take that back, thank you older people for teaching us the ways of everything.”
“Whatever, you’re staying here till I can find your friend.”
“Lover damn it, lover!”

James, as I just learned, closed the heavy metal door and walked away heavily. Probably angry that I had him figured out quickly. Not my fault I specialise in reverse psychology. I had to get out, I needed Krystal. I could only hope that the reverse psychology had worked enough to the point of him letting me go.

I heard the sound of flesh ripping off a carcass, and then the creaking of the heavy metal door. A tall silhouette of a person appeared at the door, this time it wasn’t the original captor James.

“I told you already, I’m not part of a terrorist scam! Go away or let me go.”
“Uhh doll face, I’m here to get you out…” The silhouette had a voice.
“Oh.” My face fell, but quickly lit up at the thought of seeing Krystal again.
“Come on, you want out don’t you? Hurry up then”

I got to my feet and followed him down the corridor and to the outside world. I dropped to the floor and kissed the ground in joy of seeing an actual green grassy floor. For the first time I saw his face… he was one of those ‘Goth’ boys, you know the ones that think they’re vampires and have their own covens and crap. Ha the sound of ripping flesh, where do these people learn how to do it properly?

“Hey thanks man.”
“No problem Anna. Krystal is epically worried about you, she’s been pacing the floor for ages, she misses you.”
“And you don’t think that I missed her and still do right now. Just take me to her.” He nodded and walked off to his car, and I got in the passenger side. The ride was long and very energy draining. I had to be woken up by the time we had arrived at Krystal’s house.

“ANNA!” Krystal shouted and glomped me.
“Mmm Krystal I missed you too.” I kissed her.
“Don’t ever leave my side again. Promise?”
“Yes I promise. I love you… and I mean it.”
“I know.” She smiled. “And I love you and mean it too.” She kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
once again i appologise for this ending so soon. but i have to... but keep a look out i might do a sequel cause i have holidays and camp coming up soon, so more time to do some stuff.

i must recomend something to people looking for some fun; - TRAMPOLINING, even if you can do summersaults(sp?) its still fun, the first time ive smiled and laughed for 2 hours straight in a long time.

anyway enjoy the update and ILY all.

<3 xoxx
