This Is Your Last Night

The Visitor

Frank’s POV

I was worried. Mikey hadn’t called me to say that he was okay and Gerard hadn’t called either. I was watching a movie on TV, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I looked at the phone and mentally willed it to ring.

To my surprise, the phone did ring. I picked it up and started talking rapid-fire. “Hello? Gerard? Mikey? Are you okay? What happened…”

Then I heard the annoying mechanical telemarketer voice. I slammed the phone down and went back to the sofa for more waiting and worrying.

Mikey’s POV

All I heard on the other end of the phone was the busy noise. Frank must be on the phone. I sighed and gave Gerard his cell phone back. “He didn’t pick up.”

“Try again in a little while.”

I sighed and turned on the hospital room’s TV. After flipping through the channels for a while, I decided to turn off the TV. “Gimme the phone again.”

Gerard handed me his cell phone and I pressed the re-dial button. I only had to wait for about half a ring until Frank answered. He talked so fast I could barely understand him. “Mikey? Is that you? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but I broke a few ribs.”

“Ouch. Are you going to come back soon?”

“Yeah, I think so.”


There was a silence, like he didn’t know what else to say. “Hey, Frank, I’ll call when they say I can go home.”

“Alright, dude. See you when you get here.”

He hung up the phone. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes for a minute. I heard Gerard get up, but I kept my eyes closed. I heard the door squeak open again and decided that he had come back. But then I heard an unfamiliar girl’s voice. “Hey…are you awake?”

I opened my eyes and saw her sitting in the chair where Gerard had been just a few minutes ago. She had shoulder-length brown hair with blonde streaks in it. She looked like she was kinda short, but it was hard to tell because she was sitting down. She had these really dark eyes; I couldn’t tell if they were black or just dark brown. I was happy to have some company, but I had no clue why she would be here. I had no idea who she was. “Yeah, I’m awake.”

“Okay. I’m really sorry for running you over.”

Oh. That’s why she was here. “Um…that’s alright, I guess? How exactly do I respond to that?”

“Good question. Anyway, I’m Nicola.”

“Hey. I’m Mikey. And just so you know, I don’t hate you for hitting me.”

“That’s a relief.”

She looked at me, and then turned away. She must be a little shy. I tried starting a conversation. “So….”

Man I sucked at small talk.

Nicola’s POV

I kept trying to talk to him, but I kept feeling really guilty for sending him to the hospital. I practically ran him over! Yeah, Starbucks’ coffee is awesome, but it’s not good enough to speed to get there and then hit someone! Stupid me…pushing too hard on the gas pedal. I was trying to not beat myself up, and an awkward silence formed. I wanted to say something, but I was having a particularly shy moment. Luckily, Mikey broke the silence. Or he tried to. “So…”

Man he sucked at small talk.


I guess I wasn’t a whole lot better.

There was another pause, but it was shorter than the last one. “Where were you going? You know, when you hit me.” he asked.


“Really? I work there.”


More silence. I glanced up at the clock, and saw that the hospital’s visiting hours were almost over. “Looks like I have to go.”

He looked up at the face of the clock, too. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

I got up and opened the door. I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye, but I also didn’t want to say anything. I was having another moment of complete shyness. So, I wiggled my fingers in a wave. He waved back, and I was smiling as I walked away.