I'm Making a Note Here: Huge Success.

This Was A Triumph! Chapter One

"Don't get me wrong, I love the space. It's just the lack of furniture that's getting me down. I don't think I can be quite happy in a home without a fridge, TV, or gaming console in arm reach." I stated, not that the sarcasm was obvious, or anything. I would have been leaning on a wall, had there been a wall to lean on... as I assumed my counterpart would be too. The little guy who I was happily chatting to. The one keeping me from floating off into the amazing vaccuum of space, along with a simple life line... He is about as much a part of me as he is the suit I happened to be wearing at the time. But then, spacers like me tend to be slightly crazy like that.

I guess you might be taking the time out of your busy lives to wonder what 'spacers like me' means exactly. I'm not quite sure, actually... It's been told to me quite a few times. I'm even slightly sure it's linked in with 'senile'. Senile at fifteen, like that's even possible. Senile is for older folks, who have not yet felt what it's like to fly. It's true that humans don't have wings... and need to be trapped in air-tight cages to insure survival. But that doesn't stop us from trying right? That's what space is for.

I'm somewhat of a mechanic. Not exactly a genious.. I've just been working with this piece of junk since I was practically born. Not the little guy on my back, now formally known as Yam, but the ship I'm living in... 'The Colonizer I'. Its job in the universe is quite literally as its name describes. We on The Colonizer live a rather pointless life, we've mainly been floating around for the past decade..after losing our hyperdrive in a shower of spacejunk, left overs from other expeditions... We never reached the planet we had set out to so long ago. I was just small then... probably 5. As amazing as I am at fixing things.. I can't do anything without materials. No one ever expected a 'core' failure.

We can't go anywhere without our drive, we've been floating aimlessly. FOR A DECADE. Someone would have found us sooner, had our tracking beacon not been injured too.
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.***** EDITED. Is it even this story? Comments on what's wrong would be simply amazing.