I'm Making a Note Here: Huge Success.

I'm Making A Note Here. Chapter 2

..Had our tracking beacon not been injured too. Our ship was huge. The Colonizer is one of the best models of her time. The Colonizer was completely enclosed, with miles of wiring running throughout the entire ship, just beneath the beautiful metal plating. The mess of wiring and cables would make any normal persons head spin... which is why 'us spacers' existed: To do what others cannot, and make sure that we have proper lighting, that our air continues to work and probably most importantly to make sure the sewage works. She made a better life then alot of her crew had had back on Earth. Still... for people who didn't appreciate the beauty of space.. this seemed a bleak existance.

I quickly linked the last few wires which had been bitten in half, by the look of it. Whoever was the culprit probably got a nasty shock. I wasn't fixing anything serious... just the lighting in a few rooms. I continued to chat happily to Yam, who was listening complacantely. I grabbed the metal plating I had taken off at the beginning of this session, it has been spinning around helplessly and was almost out of my grasp. But I managed to get it back into place and fused it on quick as I could to enjoy the last few minutes of oxygen out in space.

I spun away from the ship, staring out at the dark space around me... I couldn't see a star anywhere.. I turned again, searching out a star, only to be tugged back to reality- or, to be more precise- sent me spinning off into space.

Change of POV

I swore, quite loudly, before screaming; "Turn about! There's a life line--" I quickly cut myself off, I had been standing at the front of the ship, making sure we didn't crash into the ship we were attempting to board. I had a good view- and had always known of the mechanic working on the ship.. we never suspected the dolt to go spinning off into space, right infront of our ship! A blasted fool. I found my way into a space suit as fast as I could, knowing we had already torn through the fragile life line that fed the mechanics oxygen supply. I launched myself from the ship, activating the board under my feet to go flying off. My crew knew what they were doing.. It wasn't a new thing for them to see me go flying off their ship. '

Change of POV

This was more then likely the stupidest situation I had ever found myself in- spinning helplessly towards one of the stars that ahd caught my eye. It had only recently occured to me that I could steady myself with Yam, and boost back to my ship... The star was so beautiful... A flasher on my visor told me I was losing oxygen, and my commie started to scream because my suit played back all information of what I was feeling to him, so that he could yell frantically at me... then there was darkness, more importantly silence. I fI could hear it.. Oh, it was so unlike space.. totally dark and depressing.



As so many before me, I awoke hospitalized. There would probably be concerned relatives sitting by my side, and everyone I possibly knew would be fit into this small 5 by 5 cubicle of a hospital room... The guy who rescued me would of course be there, cause it's always an amazingly good looking guy, who will be perfect and have my eyes. I mean.. only have eyes for me.

"Miss Kinzen, I'm glad you're awake."

Cheack that. 'Doctor' was my next guess. You wouldn't be able to fit three people into the hospital rooms, so everything was built into the walls, except for the folded out bed, and a small bedside table. I always assumed these rooms were so small because they wanted more hallway space...

"I late for work?" I questioned, the one thing I needed to be concerned about. I didn't want to be suspened from going out into space..

I was going through a number of reasons as to why I would be hospitalized.. Stupidity was the main one, my second idea was that our ship had been taken over by body snatchers. Doc and I were the only one uninfected. This seemed unlikely. Doc was probably the snatchers' spokesperson and would ask me to be their leader momentarily.
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This one is slightly longer, I have more on the way, of course. Hope this wasn't doesn't have as many spelling errors, missed words and who knows what; as the last one did. Also: In my story description of the actual story (I think): 'ehar' is definately not a word. I'm working on a way to change that to 'heart' ENJOY.