Take My ***ing Heart, You Already Took Everything Else...

Chapter 60: Flashback

Chapter 60- Flashback

Before the old abandoned park was shut down and closed to the public, it used to be a beautiful park where everyone felt safe, brought their kids and mingled. However, there were a bunch of kids that used to play there. I do recall 14 little all too familiar tikes playing there when they were four and three.

"Mommy! Watch me swide!" a three year old Dayna yelled.

"That is really awesome sweety! Now go on and play with some of the other children while mommy talks to her friend." her mom yelled back.

Dayna looked around and noticed a group of boys and one girl, and decided to play with them.

"Hi! My name is Dayna. Can I pway with you?" she asked shyly.

"SURE!" the dark haired boy said enthusiastically.

"My name is Gerard and I am four. This is my bwother Mikey and he is two!" Gerard said happily.

"I'm Frankie and I'm thwee." Frankie said slowly, making sure he pronounced his name correctly.

"My name is Ray and I am four." he said laughing.

"And I'm Bob, and I am four!" he shouted for the world to hear.

"And I am Seidee." A shy girl said.

"YAY! Wet's go pway something!" Dayna said cheerfully.

They went to go play on the jungle gym when they noticed a group of girls on it.

"I am Keweigh, this is Awaina, Britt, Kristyn, Emma, Dyz, and Katrina, would you wike to pway with us?" she asked all hyper.

They all agreed. Dayna was trying to do something, when she almost fell.

"AHH! I'm falwing!" Dayna yelled.

Gerard climbed over there and helped her.

"Thank you Gewad! You're the bestest!" Dayna said giving him a kiss on the cheeck.

"Ohhh! Gerard has a girlfwiend!" Ray yelled out.

"SO! She is mine! And I don't care what you have to say!" Gerard said sticking out his tongue.

It was an awesome start to the lovely friendship. None of them knew what boyfriend or girlfriend really meant, but Gerard and Dayna were together for a really long time apparently. They all met Keleigh, Britt, Alaina, and Kristyn then too, but that was a long time ago, and they fell apart until they remet in highschool without the recollection of ever meeting.

Emma, Dyz, and Katrina hung out with the wrong crowed and vowed to forget they were ever friends with the good kids.

Though, that day in the park will hang around there always. It is a memory that will never fade. Gerard has never forgotten it til this day. When he thinks about it, it makes him smile, and makes him sad. He realizes that Dayna was always the one for him and that there has never been anyone else.

Places fade, but the memories live on forever if you alow it to.