Fremantle Line


A week ago, the only thing that was out of the ordinary was that it was the last day of school for the term. I sat at the train station waiting for her to arrive. There is a difference between being late and ignoring some one. The person who is late will call, the person who is ignoring will do nothing.
I had organized out of the blue to catch up with a friend I had seen in a long time. Standing in front of a bookshop I noticed a girl standing across from me. She was waiting at the exit gate for some one. The morning light was breaking through the glass roof and I rub my eyes vigorously to remove the sleep. I need something to keep my attention so I move into the book shop behind me. I am almost on the verge of tears when I realize that Celia the girl I am meeting may not be showing up, but my phone vibrates and I receive a message from her saying shes on the platform. I am washed with a cool wave of relief.
Theres no reason to rush things but for it being early morning I don't think twice about my mistakes. She arrives and jumps into my arms laughing outside the shop. I squeeze her tight and she remarks "You do know you give the best hugs right?'
"So I have been told many times, and by you. How are you my dear?"
"Alright I guess" she starts "Things have been really busy at home and I really don't want to go back to school so I am really happy that we get this break hey. Where did you want to go for coffee?"
"Have you ever heard of the place Infusion?"
"No is it any good?"
I take her to Infusion and she can't help but jump up and down from the site of it. Infusion is my favorite coffee shop. It is located in the plaza arcade off Hay st and is one of the little shops cornered in by the rest and have to keep a sharp eye out for. The Arcade is on an angle so if one were to walk down it, they would be quite literally walking down. Inside the shop there were sealed labeled brown paper bags, each roughly 150 grams in weight. The beauty was that they contained my addiction, chocolate coated coffee beans.
Across the table in front of us were twenty bags of already opened kilo bags of coffee beans. The flavors ranged with the different biscuits they sold. It was the best place to be in the morning.
"So what do you want love?" I ask her whispering.
"Just a Mocha thanks." she whispers back.
I pay the person at the counter and we take a seat in front of the mirror. The entire right side of the shop had a row of seats, a table and a mirror. I start a general conversation while we wait for our drinks.
"So whats the plan man?"
"Well I'm not working today so we have all the time in the world. Jules wont be in the city until about 1 so I reckon we could grab some lunch. He's been such an idiot lately but its not his fault. School gets to people you know. Empire is open until 4 so we can trek there. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, keep next Saturday free I want to introduce you to some one."
"Cool, I obviously wouldn't know this person, but since they are hanging out with you they must be awesome hey."
"Shut up you" she laughs. "No I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Grace. She works in the Fremantle markets, I reckon you'll like her."
"As much as I like you? I never got to thank you for the help you gave me last week with the drama assignment."
"Yes you did."
"Just now, you bought me coffee." she says smiling.
"Thats not what I ment but fine, have you seen Alex lately I need to catch her on her art."
"No I haven't she should be home tomorrow though, how have things been going with you and her?"
That was another way for asking how did you become friends with her. Alex was probably the smartest girl I had ever known and very talented to. I met her briefly before I had met C, it was when I had finished work one night. She was outside waiting for her brother to finish as well. You know those moments when you see someone you really want to talk to but you don't know what to say, that was one of these moments.
"I saw your final." I said not making eye contact.
"Excuse me?" she said looking my way
"Your final artwork, for the TEE prep at school. Teachers went a little harsh on you though I reckon."
"Yeah well I try my best but they always find some flaw in it."
"I didn't see any it looked prefect, like everything else you painted." I am almost looking at her face now. She smiled at the compliment and I cant stop kicking myself for saying that.
"Whats your name?" she asked
"What?" I say in surprise.
"Your name, what is it?"
"Um its Mat." I say now looking at her,and fighting back a gapping smile.
"I'm Alex, I've seen you around school, you used to draw what happened?"
"I did some Tafe courses thought I was pretty good, but I didn't like how school teaches. It's not the idea that ok heres a topic go draw something; it's more like ok this is what you have to draw. There's no space for expansion."
"I understand that, I hate the art teachers but I love art."
There's a pause of silence.
"So what are you doing here, well waiting for I mean?" I say.
"Oh my brother is inside he should be finished by now I need to walk him home and stuff."
"Oh ok well I should probably fly, I have to walk home as well. It's a bit far of though so I need all the time I can get."
"It was nice meeting you, I guess I'll see you around school or something hey?" she says as I walk past her.
"Yeah I'll see you around."
I start crossing the car park and I here her yell out after several meters.
"Hey...why don't you bring in some artwork. I mean I'm curious what you've been drawing I saw the stuff you used to post."
I give her a smile and a nod.
"Will do, I can't wait to see yours either."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a week before were I last left the story.