
The One And Only Chapter.

It was a snowy night, the windscreen wipers were hard at work and I was trying to get to my date. Today was February 29, and I was going to follow the tradition and ask my boyfriend to marry me. We had been seeing each other for 4 years today, so I thought it was the perfect day to propose. The country road was slowly being covered by a freezing white blanket. I turned on the radio to find out if there was any where being held up.

“This is 10 55 fm, bringing you the best alternative music, first. If I were you, I would stay off those roads tonight. It’s going to get a lot worse throughout the night and if you must go out, please drive slowly and carefully. Now here’s Elliot Minor, with Jessica.” I smiled. Elliot Minor were my favourite band at the moment, I used to live in the same town as them too. I kept driving, singing along, when my phone went. I put my hands free on and answered.


“Hey honey, it’s me.” My loving boyfriend was on the other end.

“Hey, how are you? Got the reservations for tonight?”

“Yep, have to be there at eight.” It was half seven already, and the restaurant was at least 40 minutes away.

“Could you get a later one, maybe half past eight? I’m running a bit late.”

“I’ll try. I’ll ring you back in a minute.”

“Ok bye” I hung up. I turned the radio back up, Elliot Minor had finished and The Academy Is… was playing now. It was Slow Down, one of my favourite songs by them.

Take back everything you said. You never meant a word of it. You never did.
Take back everything you said. You never meant a word of it. You never did.

My phone rang again. I turned the radio down and answered. “Sean?”

“Yeah bad news, I can’t get another time, where are you at the moment?”

“Just down the lane.” The lane wasn’t the proper name; in fact it didn’t even have a name, so every one just called it the lane.

“Well, that’s not far, you could make it.”

“I’ll try. See you soon, hopefully. Bye, babe.”

“Bye” he hung up and I went back to the road. I turned the radio off completely so I could concentrate.

I turned the corner, just as a maniac was going round at 70 mph. I had to swerve off the road and I landed in a field. The car turned over until it stopped on its roof and then everything went black.

When I woke up, I was freezing. My seatbelt had snapped so I climbed out of the window. The snow had stopped, contrary to what the radio station had said. I walked back over to the road and waited for a car to come past. I waited 5 minutes when an ambulance came into view. I waved at the driver, but he ignored me. He sped right past.

“What’s his problem?” I muttered to myself.

I decided to ring Sean and tell him what had happened. I walked back over to the car and almost screamed. There was a woman, sprawled out across the roof inside. It was obvious she was dead. But why would someone crawl into my car to die? I went round to the other mirror and screamed for real this time.

The woman was me.

But it couldn’t be me, I was standing right here.

Then I realized. The ambulance hadn’t seen me, because I was dead. I was a ghost. All of a sudden, another ambulance came into the field and stopped just in front of the car. I stepped back, for fear of them standing in me. I watched as they confirmed I was dead. They went through my purse and saw a picture of Sean.

“This is the poor guy who was killed about half an hour ago, outside Roberto’s.”

I felt a stab of pain. Not my Sean. My gentle, kind, loving Sean. But they had been one of the ambulance’s there. I couldn’t believe it. I started running in the direction of the restaurant. Then, all of a sudden, I was there, outside. I saw Sean’s body, then I saw him standing over himself.

“NO” I shouted out, I started crying.

Sean had obviously heard me and looked up. He didn’t know I was dead either, he just kept staring at me. I was about to call to him, to tell him, but a person walked right through me. Sean looked right into my eyes.

“Shelly!” He ran towards me.

“Sean!” I ran as well.

We ran right into each other’s arms. I put my head into his shoulder, then looked at him.

“Your dead?” I said

He nodded grimly. “I was mugged and stabbed. But if I can… you can see me and touch me, then…your…dead…as well?”

I nodded. “Yeah, some loony ran me off the road about 2 seconds after I got off the phone with you.”

“That’s when I was stabbed.” Sean held me tight and I put my arms around him. “It’s like we’re destined to be together, in life or death.”

“That’s exactly what happened.” A voice behind us said. “That’s why you were both killed at the same time. And now, it’s time to move on.”

A doorway opened in the street and, hand in hand, we walked through to be together forever, in life after death.