We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

The letter

Cp.12 – The letter
Gerard’s P.O.V

I sat on my bed with my back leaning on the wall, staring at the pale ceiling. It’s been a week after I caught my boyfriend cheating on me, that was also the last time I saw him. He didn't show up in school, no phone calls, not even a single thing had left about him. He 's like been evaporated, from and to the middle of nowhere. Like never existed. I sometimes wonder was I having a long long dream and just got waken? He doesn't have to be like this, I mean, I wouldn't kill him. What’s the worst thing I could do to him? Bite him? I can't stop him from loving another person.

Knock knock

I sat up and went down the stairs. I saw a chubby little guy standing outside the door, smiling sweetly.

“Are you Gerard?”

“Yes, can I help you?”

“Uhh…I’m Pete’s classmate. He…uh…asked me to give this to you.” My heart hammered when the guy mentioned Pete. Classmate? Pete’s classmate should be my classmate too, why don’t I know him?

The little guy handed me a letter then went away. I walked back into my bedroom and put the letter on my bedside table. I curled up in a corner of my bed and stared at it. What would it gonna be? An excuse? Explanation? Sorry but I can’t have you back? I loved the girl very much and could you please just screw off? I cleared up all the meaningless thoughts and crawled to the bedside table. I had a deep breath, then opened the letter.


I’m so glad that you’ve decided to read this letter. I am so sorry for what I’ve done. But what you've seen is not what it really was. I don’t know where to start with but anyway, this was how things went insane:

My father wanted to give a good impression to his new boss, so he brought our whole family to his boss’s house for dinner one night. The boss has a daughter, who is the girl you would probably think I’m cheating with. I think she seemed to have a little crush on me at that time. After that, we started having dinner with dad’s boss quite frequently. And some how the girl just told me she liked me and wonder if I could be her boyfriend. And of course I’d turned her down. But this is when things went wrong. Everything went pretty normal till my father suddenly asked me why did I turn the girl down one night. I just don't know how the hell did he know that. Probably that spoiled little princess never been turned down by boys and got very angry and told her fat ass dad AND that fucker must have told MY dad. Whatever. The main point is that I DAD FORCED ME TO BE WITH THAT GIRL!!! The bloody reason he told me why, is that so that he can have some kind of 'seemed deeper' relationship with his fucking boss. I tried to protest but he then questioned me about having some relationship out there without his fucking permission. I don't want you to be screwed up in school, so I just did what I was told. I know this sounds so unfair to you, but I’ve already done my best. I felt guilty every time I saw you or the girl. I was waiting for her to stop having feelings for me. It had just been two weeks, and she seemed to be really happy having me as her boyfriend. This was when you caught me 'cheating' on you. Everything went so wrong!

I was terrified when I saw you and you probably thought that I was cheating on you. I ran back home and told my father that his son was actually fucking gay. I thought they would be so shock and needed some time to figure out what was happening, so that I would have time to explain everything to you. But everything didn't seem to turn the way I thought it would be. My father locked me inside my room and wouldn't even let me out to the living room. Then the next day, I was send to this fucking boarding school. You probably won't believe everything has happened this fast and this ridiculously, but it did.

You’ve got to trust me. Honestly, I don’t give a fuck about all the things that had happened. The only thing that mattered is you. I don’t want you to think that I cheated on you and now disappeared. I’m now stuck in this boarding school and not even sending a letter is allowed, so I asked a friend to give you this letter when he stop by your district. Just to explain all the things to you.

I loved you for all along and I always will.
