We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School


Cp.13 – Nonsense!
Gerard’s P.O.V

The letter was like a slap on the face. There was two complete contradict ideas followed up. Pete was not cheating on me. Then, that means I am cheating on him. ME! The always thought himself to be loyal to his lover Gerard Arthur Way! I was thinking of Frank all the time now, his touch, his kisses. How am I supposed to tell Pete? That I’ve fallen for another guy just after him leaving me for one single week? Oh my god…how is this gonna work out?

I went for the door again as I heard a knock. It was Frank. Oh, great. I gave him a weak smile then turned back to my room. He followed me inside. I crash myself on to the bed and held a pillow in the arms. Frank sat beside me, softly brushing me hair. The felling of him touching me still feels so good, although in deep down my heart, I know I was wrong in some places. I let out a small moan as he crawled on top of me and kissed me softly on the lips. He asked me what’s wrong, looking concerned. I slightly shook me head and turned my body to face the wall.

“Gerard, talk to me.” I didn’t look at him but I knew he was pouting. I smiled a little at the image of him pouting in front of me. He always has the ability to cheer me up. So, then I could do nothing but to turn back to him and hug him tightly.

“Go read that letter.” I whispered into his ears, gestured to the letter.

I saw him frowned as he read the letter and his mouth dropped when he finished it.

“What the hell? Do you really believe what he says? That was totally nonsense!” He said agitatedly as he dumped the letter onto the bedside table. He groaned when I nodded after a few moments of thinking. Well, sue me, I really think Pete WAS telling the truth.

“So what are you gonna do? Tell me that you still love your little boyfriend and kick me out of your life? You should have known the fact that I can barely live without you since the first day I knew you existed.” He spat out madly. He broke down. Slid down on to the floor and started sobbing quietly with his head buried in his legs. I ran to him and hugged him, rocking him, trying to calm him.

“I…I thought I was gonna…have you…but…but look what the hell had happened…” He tried to say through his tears. “I really thought we’re…gonna be together…” He paused for some oxygen since he was staring to cry fiercely. “Please don’t believe what he says, Gerard…please…don…don’t ever leave me…”

He was crying too hard to speak. My mind is so messed up. I have to make up my mind for either being with Frank or being with Pete. But if Frank is crying this hard in front of me, I know I’m gonna choose being with Frank simply because of wanting him to be happy again. But that may not be the decision I want after sometimes. I may find myself wanting to be back with Pete or something. Oh god, why am I always in cross road ends?

“Frank. Frank, listen to me.” I said in a gentle voice. Trying to calm him, as well as myself. “Frank, I’m so sorry that I have to believe Pete. But remember, I’m not gonna leave you, no matter what, no way. Okay?” he looked me in the eye and nodded.

I wrapped my arms around him. Felling his body temperature and his steady breaths after all the crying stopped. I think I know what is my decision. I just want to make sure it was the finally one, because I’m not letting myself regret anymore.

I need comments!!!