We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

Thoughts of you

Cp.17 – Thoughts of you
Frank’s P.O.V

I spun my pen a whole two circles and when I tried to do it again, it fell on my desk. It was just a split of second for it to fall from my hand and to the desk, just like the first time I saw Gerard. I knew I was falling for him. Just that fucking split of second. I smiled to myself as my memory played back at the first day of school. We were once two strangers who would be known and then be forgotten. But then, we knew each other more and more, till I can't even live without him.

I spun it again but this time, I let it fell onto the ground. I watched it rolled under the desk next to mine.

Would our relationship last? Gerard and me? I want to be with him, forever. I know I’m being quite unrealistic, even I do not believe in that everlasting bullshit. But I really want to be with him. Maybe we can last for a year or more. Well, don't be surprised, a year is long enough for me. I mean, not that I think I’m gonna lose interest in Gerard so quickly, it's...I never had a relationship that could survive for more than a month. I suck at expressing my own feelings, I suck at telling things that girls love to hear when they're in such relationships, I suck at...everything that is needed if you want the one beside you stay for a longer time. I know Gerard’s not like the other teenage chicks, I mean a way lot better, but still…I…

"Turn your book to page 125, we'll check the..." I turned the pages as I was told.

What if one day Gerard came over and said I was just a tool to make Pete come back with him? What if he...

The pen I was once again spinning dropped on to the table. "Mr. Iero, would you please stop spinning your pen and keep dropping it?" some girls giggled while the boys smirked and shook their heads. I gave the teacher a horrible smile and looked back down on my book.

Think positive, Frankie. Think. Positive. Gerard would never do such thing. He loves you and you love him. Nothing’s wrong, very perfect, so stop acting like an idiot. I’ve been having these stupid meaningless arguments with the voice in my mind ever since I fell in love with Gerard. Is it the thing called 'love makes people nuts' or something like that? Well then, that means I’m normal, right?

*After school*

“Hey Frankie, want a ride home?” Gerard snaked his hand around my waist, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Uh… yeah, sounds great.” I managed to stutter out through my daze.

“Honey, are you alright?” Shit. Did I act that obvious? Now if he knows what I’m thinking, will he be mad at me, or say that is the truth actually? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.

“Frankie! What’s up to you? Please tell me babe, we’ll solve it together. Ok?” Together! That was what I wanted to hear. Maybe I should really tell him. You know he’ll never see you as a toy. All you’ll hear is ‘don’t be stupid, I love you’. Ok, I’ll tell. But clearly not here.

“Oh see, there’s two little fags over there. Feeling good, uh?” A jock over the lockers mocked.


I’m really sorry guys. I can hardly get near the computer these days and I don’t know when will be the next up date. I’ll try my best. Hope you all like my crappy work.
And a special thanks to Teenage Death Girl too. You give really good comments. I’ll think about your suggestions. Oh and if you guys have any ideas for the story, feel free to tell me. I’ll try and see if I can add them into it, as long as they don’t change the story line.