We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

Who the *** is he?

Chapter 2 – Who the Fuck is he?
Frank’s P.O.V.

A loud noise stroke through my body. I opened my eyes instantly and hit the alarm clack hard.

“Fuck off!” I shouted and fell back onto the bed.

I hate going to school, upon all the things in the universe, it truly sucks. But to my observation yesterday, I think school life would be better than the old one since the students in this school seemed to have more interest in bullying nerds than kids like me. Well I don’t actually care, bite me. I drag myself to the bathroom and let the icy water flow through my body. Refreshing. But think on the bright side. Maybe I can see the hot guy today. I wonder what grade he is in.

The bell rang and some students dashed out of the classroom before the teacher had dismissed the class. The old guy sighed as he walked out of the classroom. I smirk to the whole situation and got up to meet Mikey for lunch. A shy girl suddenly turned up and asked me to join her and her friends for lunch. Sweat. Maybe school life in here is WAY better than before, “ I would love to but I’ve got Mikey for lunch today so, maybe next time.” I had the nicest smile spread on my face trying not to ruin my seemed-to-be-good impression from this girl. Then watched her walked towards her friends with disappointment.

“I didn’t know you can deal with girls THAT good, uha?” I had an arm around my shoulder, and then I noticed it was Mikey.

“I thought you were way better than me.” I smirked and made our way to the door.

Mikey and I walked onto the lawn, holding our lunch packs. Mikey sat under a tree, beside him, sat two same-aged kid. I stood there not knowing what to do. Am I supposed to sit beside them too or wait for Mikey to introduce me to them? Why yeah, I suck at interpersonal skills.

“This is Frank. New kid. Frank, this is Bob and Ray.”

I nodded a little and they had a friendly smile on their face. They’re really nice, I think I’m going to get along with these people pretty well. I was filling my mouth with salad that mum made me when two figures caught my sight. I recognize one of them is the hot guy that I met yesterday morning. My heart beat so fast that I thought the guys might have heard it. Why am I having such reactions? I’m not gay, well, am I? But who the hell is the kid next to him? AND WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SITTING SO CLOSE TOGETHER!?

“Hey Frank? Are you listening!” Mikey hit me on the head playfully. I rubbed my head a little and stared at Mikey.

“What?” I whined.

“I said, would you like to come to mine today, after school? Bob and Ray are coming.”

“Sure. Why not?” My eyes still locked on the guy sat next to my… who is he? Damn it. My angel? Bleh.

The bell rang as we walked back to our classroom. I looked around the room and sighed. Boring, sooooo boring. It would be much better if I was in the same class with my angel. Yap, I’ve decided to call him my angel since I don’t know his real name. And don’t you dare to look at me like that. You would also think he’s an angel if you once saw him. At least he is much much MUCH better than this Mr.…McCarc… McCracken, I think. He just looks like shit! He would be half way better if only he cuts half of his oily, stinky, sweaty, horrible hair. I wonder why did the principle appoint him as a teacher. He looks so fucked up and wasted. And he is teaching us fucking music!!! I would rather lock myself with my dear Pansy in the dark for a month than having one single fucking music lesson with that creep.

The bell rang as I smiled ear to ear. Time sure flies when I am thinking of my angel.