We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

The two couple

Cp.21 – The two couple
No one’s P.O.V

Frank opened the door but fell back onto the cold tiles of the toilet in astonishment when he saw Pete standing right in front of him, staring straight into his eyes.

“Holy shit! What the…” Frank rubbed his painful back and stared at Pete suspiciously. Is he trying to kill me or something?

“Hey dude, I’m not that scary, am I?” Pete giggled and extended a hand to help Frank up. Frank still stared at Pete after getting up, not knowing what to do next. The silence continued for a long moment before Pete broke the ice.

“Um, so…are you ok? I’m really sorry that I hurt you. I was being really stupid…so, just wanna say sorry.” Pete stared at the floor and peeked when he heard no answer from Frank. Frank was thinking that Pete really looks like a five year old kid that just got told that he needed to be sorry for what he had done. And it was really funny to Frank.

“Ok, cool.”

“And, um… I know this is corny but please take good care of Gerard. I know I had once broke his heart and I’m really sorry about that. But since there’s nothing left for me to do about it, I’m really counting on you. Please make Gerard happy, he deserves it.” Pete said to Frank seriously.

“No problem, the only thing left between us was you so, um…no, no problem. I’ll do my best.” Frank stuttered after knowing he might sound a little too sarcastic.

“Oh, no man, I know that I’ve done something really wrong. I deserve this…” There was an awkward silence after the oh-please-be-good-to-Gerard talk.

“So, you own me a punch?” Frank spoke after a giggle.

“Actually no. Do you remember that time you hit me when you found out that I was cheating on Gerard?” Pete used his hands to quote the word ‘cheating’, smiling slyly.

“Oh, sorry I don’t recall.” Frank jumped on Pete and started punching him playfully. And Pete did the same. They rolled on the ground, hitting furniture until Gerard and Patrick ran into the room and got them separated.

“Guys! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Gerard spoke in a rather harsh and stern voice. Patrick just stood beside Pete and did nothing. But to be fair, there was really nothing left for him to do.

“No, Gerard. Don’t get us wrong. We’re just messing around. Sorry if we made you guys worried.” Frank giggled in Gerard’s arms.

“Yeah, no worries. We’ve already talked about it.” Pete smiled at Patrick then started searching for movies from the big collection of movies and CDs in Gerard’s bedroom.

“Feel like watching movies? I didn’t plan leaving this early.” Pete asked after receiving a few glances from the others.

“Horror, you’ve got to pick horror movies.” Frank jumped towards to join Pete excitedly.

“No, no horror movies.” Pete stated rather sternly.

“Aw…is little Petey scared of horror movies?” Frank mocked.

“No, not when Trick is here.”

‘Aw…’ Gerard thought to himself before eyeing Patrick who soon gave him an eye roll and stared into space.

“No Pete, it ok, there’s four of us.” Patrick said calmly sitting on Gerard’s bed.

“No! You don’t like it. I don’t want it to be like the last time we watched that horror movie, you can’t sleep by yourself for the whole week for god sake!” Pete said out loud but still flicking over the mountain of movie disks. Patrick blushed deeply. lucky for him that Pete wasn’t facing his way.

“So you don’t let Patrick watch horror movies again it’s cuz’ you don’t want Patrick to annoy you at night anymore. How cruel, Pete?” Gerard mocked behind them pretending to be hurt for no reason. Pete turned around to look at Patrick immediately and stared at Gerard, eyes filled with what-the-fuck-did-you-do-that-for-ness. Gerard just shrugged and pouted. Pete walked over to Patrick and sat beside him rubbing his back.

“You know Gerard’s just being an ass, right?” Pete ignored the ‘Hey’ from Gerard. “You know I don’t mean it that way.” Gerard and Frank backed up to a random corner of Gerard’s room and started fake grabbing popcorn from nowhere, they’re faking that they’re watching some cheesy love movies.

“You know there’s always porn if you don’t feel like watching horrors, Patrick.” Frank smirked grabbing another handful of air-popcorn.

“Wow wow wow, who says that? Even though I have you wouldn’t bother to watch it anyways.” Gerard giggled.

“Why?” Frank said innocently.

“Cuz’ I assume you watch gay porn and I don’t have any…” Gerard finished his sentence in the stairs because Frank was chasing him from behind, leaving Pete and Patrick in the room.


“Pete dose fall fast I say.”

“Aren’t you faster than him?”

“Oh, so you want another chasing round like three year olds again, uh?”

“I’m always here for you babe.”

Another super extreme long update to celebrate the receiving of over 100 comments finally!
And…I heard that Gerard is engaged, is that real?