We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

Metting my angel

Cp .3 - Metting my angel
Frank's P.O.V.

I shoved a handful of skittles into my mouth, the guys all looked at me eyes widened with shock. If you people think that skittles should be eaten one by one, then you’re wrong! So damn wrong! They should be eaten bucket by bucket! We were watching a horror movie when there was a knock on the door. I went to get it after pouring the last few skittles into my mouth. I looked at the person standing outside the door and my mind went blank. MY ANGEL!!! My little angel stared at me with a weird look mainly because I was standing there and staring at him for about one whole minute. Mikey came over to check out what’s going on. He waved to my angel and introduced me to him.

“This is Frank, new friend of mine. Frank, this is Gerard and he’s my big bro.” Yea, I finally get to know his name. Nice…

WHAT THE FUCK!!! My angel is my new best friend’s big brother!? I can get see him anytime I want with the excuse of “I wanna go see Mikey”!? THIS. IS. SO. FUCKING. COOL. I felt myself blushed as Gerard walked pass me (I can finally use Gerard’s real name) He sat down beside Bob and grabbed a handful of popcorn in his hand. My cheeks are constantly heating up, I can’t sit beside him! I went to the bathroom to cool myself down.

Am I really falling for him?

Of course you are. Why in the world would you have such reaction if you don’t like you’re friends brother?

I splashed some cold water onto my face and looked into the mirror. Let say if I do like him, will he like me back?

I am staring at the plain white ceiling, lying on my bed. Why must it be white? I would rather paint it black.

School life ain’t so bad here but it’s sooo boring. Everything repeats in the same way everyday. It’s already my second week in here, stuck. It is also a torture seeing Gerard hanging out with that creepy EMO kid everyday. They seem to have a really good relationship. I had to admit to myself that I’m falling fast for him although he may not even remember my name, I think. Hope Gerard isn’t having such relationship with that guy like I think so. Awww!!! I’m daydreaming while I’m doing homework again. And yes, I do do homework. I have to finish all the work before I go to Mikey’s cuz’ I’m planning to stay there for a longer time. Longer time staying in Mikey’s = More chance seeing Gerard around = Gerard knowing Frank Iero do exist.

Knock knock.

A lady I assume would be Mikey and Gerard’s mother came open the door.

“Hi, there.” Well I think she’s quite nice.

“Umm…I’m looking for Mikey… is he there?”

“Oh sorry, he went for some friends house about an hour ago, but you can still come in and have a drink while waiting.” A friendly smile plastered across her face.

“Sure, sounds nice.” NICE.

I went in and saw Gerard sitting on the couch watching TV. Well, I managed not to act like I’m freaking out this time. I sat on the couch but far, far, far from him (ok I admit that is an act of freaking out). Try to concentrate on the TV but obviously failed. I can’t help but peeking at him all the time.

“Hey boys, I’m gonna do some groceries and I won’t be back until eight. Gerard, take good care of yourself and Frank.” She smiled at us and left.

So, now me and Gerard are left here A. L. O. N. E. This plan is working out way better than I thought, hehehe.