We Are All a Bunch of Animals That Never Pay Attention in School

I love you means I'm never gonna give up in you

Cp. 4 – I love you means I'm never gonna give up in you
Still Frank’s P.O.V.

It was an awkward silence. To my surprise AND luckily, he was actually watching SpongeBob SquarePants. We both giggled at some funny lines and the atmosphere went a bit better.

“Frank right? Are you the little guy who knocked me down at the first day of school?”

“I did not KNOCK you down, you ran into me!" I usually get mad when someone called me little guy, but then, it seems so normal and friendly through his mouth. AND HE REMEMBERED MEEEEEE.

"Being ran into and made the guy fell doesn't have much difference from knocking a person down y'know."

"No I don't. But yah, you remember me?” Quit acting like a teenage girl, Frank. Play cool.

We started to talk about some random things. He is three years older than me and Mikey. He does drawing all the time and likes misfits like I do. He is really nice and owns an angel smile, which caught me at first sight. I had been struggling for a long time before I eventually asked him something about that EMO kid. I'm afraid of the answer, I'm not gonna live with the fact that he's in love with a guy I haven't had good impression since I first saw him.

"So... who's that kid you always hang out with all the time? You two...seem to have a good relationship or something, y’know." I pray you every night god, please not do this to me.

"Oh...him?" he blushed a little. "He's my boyfriend. His name's Pete, Pete Wentz."


Now I'm gonna live the rest of my life in misery. Kill me, please. I had a little fake good-for-you smile on my face, but inside, I was screaming insane.

It wasn't long till Mikey came back from his friend's. I spent the rest of the time in his room, doing nothing. I can't face Gerard, at least not now. I can't help but thinking of my angel being in love with that EMO kid, someone I truly hate, now.

I had spent a night figuring out how am I going to deal with the Gerard-is-in-love-with-someone-I-hate thing. And I finally did figure something out. It wasn’t THAT bad to except that Gerard’s having a boyfriend, since I had more or less sensed it. I'm gonna stay still for sometimes and see how deep are their relationship (I’m not gonna say how deep they are in love). There's nothing I can do to change this fucking reality now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to watch Gerard being happy with that Pete Wentz and envy him for the rest of my life like some pathetic losers looking at their princess marrying another stupid prince and wish they would live happily ever after in those bullshit fairytales. Fuck those pathetic useless morons! If you really loved a person, you are definitely not gonna let those things happen to you and your princess! I'm gonna be there whenever Gerard needed anyone to comfort him and let him know much I cared about him. Soon he'll realize how important I am to him. Hahaha. Fuck, I’m thinking too positively. Now, all I need is observation, and it hurts a lot though. I can feel myself falling apart gradually, my heart breaking into pieces, and something inside me is fading away.

All I can do is to pray for them to break up as soon as possible.

Break up... break up, break up, break up... BREAK UP!!!