The Hardest Part of this is Leaving You

Chapter 11

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[Frank's P.O.V]

I could'nt believe Ellie liked me to. I was so happy. Especially seince she is my girlfriend now. And here she is, at my house because her dad kicked her out. I was so upset to find out that her dad beats her. I really wish her life was better. It must be stressful for her. Her life is hell. She told me her mom died from cancer. That is so sad.

Time elapse [The next night]

Ellie went into the bathroom and took a shower. After she was done she came out and I noticed she did'nt have the braclets on that she had on everyday. I looked at her wrist and saw cuts all around her wrist.

"Ellie whats that on your wrist?"

Ellie covered her wrist.

"Why would you do that to yourself!!!!!!!"

"I...I couldn't take the emotional pain anymore."

"Ellie you can't do that kind of shit to yourself!!!!"

I felt bad for screaming at her because she ran out. I ran after her and she ran home. She went upstairs to her room and held a gun to her head.