The Hardest Part of this is Leaving You

Chapter 5

plz comment if you want me to update. I dont want to be doing this for nothing.

[Ellie's P.O.V]

After Frank left Gerard asked me if I wanted to talk. I didn't want to talk so I said no and told Gerard I was going to take a shower. I got my clothes and went into the bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom I broke down and cried. I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. I saw a fat ugly girl. That girl was me. I went into my pocket and pulled out a razor and put it against my wriste and cut all around my wriste. It made me feel good. A pain I could control. I took a towel and I put it around my wriste. I had to wait a little while for the bleeding to stop and then I went in the shower. Once I was done I put my black braclets over my wriste and went back into Gerard's room. I gave Gerard a hug and and started crying. Gerard started crying also. Gerard was able to calm me down and then Mikey came home. Me, Gerard, and Mikey went out for ice cream. After we got home me and Gerard watched T.V.