The Hardest Part of this is Leaving You

Chapter 9

sorry it took so long for an update...Comments for updates please

[Ellie's P.O.V]

Me, Frank, and Gerard started walking home from school. It felt good to be in Frank's arms for a couple of minutes. He is such a good kid. Gerard is lucky to be friends with him. We arrived home and we walked in the house. My dad was waiting for me.

"You were suppost to be home immedeatly after school!" he sceamed
"but..." i did'nt get to finish.

Before I could even say anything he threw me against the wall and screamed "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I ran out of the house as fast as I could and Frank and Gerard followed me.

"You can stay at my house if you need somewhere to stay" Frank said to me.

I said thank you to Frank and I went to his house. Gerard came with us. Once we got to Frank's house Frank told his mom I got into a fight with my dad and I needed somewhere to stay and she said it was okay that I stay there till my dad wanted me back. Frank's mom seemed so nice. After talking to Frank's mom we went upstairs to Frank's room. When we walked in Frank's room I was amazed. He had Black Flag and Iron Maiden posters. Once we got into his room we did our homework and talked After we did that Gerard went home. I told Gerard to tell dad he didnt know where I went. Me and Frank talked for a while cause he wanted to know about my life. I told him everything eccept my date with the razor. I didnt want to drop that on him. Out of nowhere I said "I love you" to frank. All I thought was omg why did I just say that and I ran twords the bathroom. Frank ran after me, turned me around and kissed me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I kissed him. Then Frank asked me out and I said yes. After that Frank I went to bed. I couldnt believe I was going out with Frank Iero.