Yes, I Fall

The only chapter.

I watched as you stepped out of your office building, perfectly dignified, with you suit, your typical businessman briefcase, and your umbrella carefully raised above it all, shielding you from the light rain.

I followed you through the long gridwork of skyscrapers, till the streets thinned out and we came to your dock. The ferry wasn't due for another hour, and everyone already here was waiting in the building to the left, but you never did.

You continued down the steps to the dock, and I followed, less cautiously now. You
noticed me as you reached the end of the long dock, and I shivered. I slowly brought my hand up, the one with the gun, but you just watched me. It finally reached its proper position, and I fired.

You screamed now, and I paused, taking in the sound. Letting it shiver through my body, echo before fading. You fell, and I was returned to the present. I walked over to where you had collapsed, lay myself down next to you, wrapped my arms around you.

Your blood transferred itself to my shirt, and I rested my head against your back that it might also be painted. Someone would arrive, though, and I was not finished. I raised the gun once more, fumbling, since it was wet from blood and rain. Held it to my own head, fired.

You were mine now, property of a man you'd never met before today.

The police would have a time figuring this one out.