I Keep Bleeding Love

Becca is your average, ran away from home, lives in a big city, works as a waitress, has a big mouth, and bigger opinions type of girl. She doesn't believe in love and she doesn't think that will ever change.

However, when Michael Vye, a sexy powerful vampire in control of Boston and all its supernatural inhabitants meets her, he can't tear himself away, and ends up accidentally involving her in his dangerous occupation.

Will Becca ever reveal her dark past?
Can Becca live with knowing Michael's?
Is her best friend Brandon better for her than Michael?
Can she resist the temptation that Michael poses?
Will she ever believe in love?
Read on...and find out!!!
  1. Introduction
    It begins.
  2. The Sexy Stranger
    Michael Vye enters the picture!
  3. Appetites
    Becca and Michael dance together...and are hungry for something other than food.
  4. A Rather Large Tip
    Becca does a favor for Michael. Will that seal her fate?
  5. You Wanted Action...I Delivered
    Becca's life changes completely.
  6. So What About the Whole Drinking Blood Business?
    Becca starts to unravel.
  7. You Drink Blood Meant for Cancer Patients?!
    Michael gets pissed off.
  8. Aren't You a Little Young to Have Such Good Taste
    Becca gets dressed up. Michael has a small meltdown.
  9. "I'm sorry." "Well I'm not."
    Becca gets drunk. FUN!!!
  10. I'm Appreciating Your Structure
    Michael becomes a little too physically intimate...but we like it. Don't lie.
  11. Do you want some popcorn?
    Michael and Becca have a little talk...and its EPIC!
  12. It's a Long Story
    Becca bares her soul...who expected that?
  13. It's Not the First Time She's Jumped on a Vampire.
    Becca finds out what happened to Brandon, and Michael is jealous!!!
  14. Don't Get Hurt. I Will Be Very Upset With You.
    Becca and Michael have a spat. CLIFFHANGER ALERT!!!
  15. Take Your Whims and Shove them Up Your -
    Becca gets kidnapped! 0o0
  16. Here Are Your Terms, Or She Dies.
    Becca continues to be held hostage by Damien.
  17. What Kind of Painkiller is This?
    Becca is high on morphine and has a telling conversation with Brandon.
  18. I Won't Go Alter My Face Then
    Brandon interfere's with Becca's decision.
  19. So This Is What Being in His Bed Would Be Like...
    Becca returns to Michael's house.
  20. I Might Like It...
    Becca and Michael have an important discussion...
  21. Sweet Agony
    Michael and Becca....well...you know
  22. Make Me Indestructible
    Becca and Michael have a conversation about their future.
  23. It May Last Forever
    Becca accompanies Michael to a Mafia Meeting
  24. The Wall Rebuilds Itself
    Sandy returns....and with her comes heartache.
  25. I'm Crying.
    Becca starts a new life away from Michael. But is that what she really wants?
  26. Two-and-a-Half Years Later
    Short time jump, to see where Becca is now. She has an interesting encounter.
  27. My Place or Yours?
    Becca gets taken out for her 21st b-day. CLIFFHANGER ALERT!!
  28. I'm Surprised You Had a Heart
    Becca becomes a vampire and kicks ass!
  29. I Will Join You
    Becca meets up with a new crowd.
  30. A Happy Reunion?
  31. We Need to Talk
  32. Time to Go Home
  33. The End: Finally or Sadly?