
Chapter 1

I was walking down Sunset Blvd. ironically watching the sunset on the horizon, I watched as the sky turned a Blood-Red color, Man was I hungry…..wait where was I, oh yeah, so walking down Sunset Blvd. not actually knowing or caring where I was going. I just needed to get out, get air, and just get away from HER. She had been at me for months, bugging me about it ever since she figured out what I was.

She had been begging me to make her what I was; one of the living dead, A Vampire.

Yes you heard correctly. I just said that I am in fact a Vampire. Yes we are really out there, and no I won’t bite you. I don’t go around biting people, I get my blood from the Blood Bank, and they’ve stopped asking what I want it for. Why am I not burning up because of the sun? Well I can go out into the sun, just not for long periods of time. In fact most of the rumors you hear aren’t true, but back to that later. Back to HER; you see she wants me to turn her, but I keep making up reasons not to but I’ll run out eventually, the real reason is that I really didn’t want to be turned in the first place.

Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I was human.

I hesitate to turn her because once you change there’s no going back, and I’m not sure she really knows what she’s getting herself into.

She’d be giving up everything, her life, her soul, and a beating heart.


Damn SHE’s found me, “What Shelly?”

“Have you thought about it yet?” she asks hopefully.

“No, I won’t Change you.” I state firmly

“Oh…..okay….” I can hear the sadness in her voice; it would have shattered my heart, if I had one that is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, that’s the first Chapter, Let me know what you think.....

Remember: Reviews = Me Happy