
Chapter 2


After the long day at work Kevin traversed the long distance to his house, where as he fell onto his bed to ponder about the days events. The poor women who couldn’t afford but enough food to even survive.

The ridiculous laws formed by the government were too harsh on the lower class people of this country. Too many have fallen into poverty because of the taxes on everything that people need everyday to survive.

There on his bed, Kevin swore to do whatever he could to help the poor people of Hinston. He would risk himself to help them in their struggle for survival, even if it meant going all the way to the government.

Kevin’s feelings were not without company. Many of the shopkeepers and farmers in Hinston that weren’t poor shared his opinion of the torment brought to the poor people. And so Kevin set out to gather up some friends.

The meeting was held at nine o’ clock at night in the old, unused church next to the dark, mysterious forest. Seven people including Kevin had offered to help Kevin in whatever way they could; Maria, Tom, Beth, Joseph, and Marline had all agreed to meet there to avoid being noticed.

The group finally convened at the church. Kevin had waited no more than thirty minutes, he assumed it’s hard to be very late when your house and job no longer exist, or have simply been rendered irrelevant by a scourge of evil.

He made a head count, seven others including himself. He told Johnson to climb up to the tower where the bell is rung to keep a lookout. He told everyone else to keep on their guard. Joe went over to a casket and unhinged the top revealing a cache of weapons. He picked up a shotgun and threw one to each person.

Johnson yelled out “VAMPIRES!!!” He saw a hoard of blood thirsty monsters approach out of nowhere. There were some slower Vampires and some faster Vampires, the gang just assumed that they slaughtered everyone in the surrounding towns. Joe took his shotgun and blew away a nearby Vampire he saw from the cracked window on the church side. Kevin kicked a Vampire into a cactus that just happened to be there and popped a cap into his head and heart.

They had to defeat the Vampires. Just then a dozen or so Vampires appeared from the door in a nearby house. Kevin shot 5 Vampires coming towards him and suddenly realized he was out of ammunition.

They couldn’t outrun all the Vampires, because the Vampires didn’t seem to get tired. He saw in front of him some gunpowder that looked like salt, and right next to it was a passage way and some spare ammunition.

He was almost there. He looked behind him and there were at least 666 Vampires or more on his tail. They were only 30 meters away. He tried to grab the ammunition on his run past, but he dropped it. He came back and put it in his gun. Kevin yelled to the others “HURRY UP!!!”

He shot the gun aimed directly at the Vampire, all in all killing the Vampire. However the fire was going directly toward him, he didn’t know if he could get up. He didn’t know how much time he had left.

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Okay, that’s the Second Chapter, Let me know what you think.....

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