The Wild Ride

Chapter 1

Jen's P.O.V
*Ring Ring*



"Jaci! What?"

"Where the Zack are you?"

"At home, why?"

"Do you not remember what we're doing two hours from now?"

Oh, shit! I mentally slapped myself.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes!"

"Okay, hurry."

I hung up quickly got ready . Me and a few friends formed a band about a year ago and we entered Huntington Beach's Battle of the Bands. We've been looking forward to this for months and I'm running behind.

When I was ready, I jumped into my car and sped to Lyndsey's house. She is the drummer in our band and I'm the lead guitarist.

I arrived at Lyndsey's house fifteen minutes later like I said. They started practice without me! Well, I guess I was late.

"I'm here!"


Before I could even see who shouted my name, I was tackled to the ground. "Ow, hi Liss," I grumbled as I stood up. Liss is our rhythm guitarist.

"Oh my Rev! Where have you been?!"

"Home, I forgot about practice." I'm pretty sure everyone's eyes in the room were on me...and not in a good way. "I'm sorry guys! Now, let's get to practicing. We'll never win that mystery prize if we don't!"

Everyone laughed at my enthusiasm, except Jaci, who rolled her eyes. I know she cracked a smile though.

Jaci is a crew member/roadie. Probably one of the best out there too in my opinion.

"Where's Bee and Mo?" I asked, tuning my guitar.

"They went to get something to drink inside," replied Lyndsey. I nodded.

Bee does our lead vocals. And Moriah (or Mo if you're her friend) is our bassist.

The two came into the garage with bottles of water in their hands. "Hey Jen. Finally decide to show up?" Bee asked with a grin.

"Yeah, I decided to be fashionably late."

"Can we do this thing now?" Mo whined as she slung her bass over her.

"Aw, is widdle Mo getting tired?" cooed Lynds from behind her drum set. Moriah was the youngest and also the shortest in the band, so we teased her a lot.

Mo turned around and stuck her tongue out at her. Laughing, Lyndsey said, "Okay, let's get this over with."

We played our songs and fixed anything we thought needed it until we had it perfect. When the time came, we loaded up our stuff and drove to the club where the contest was being held.

Jaci ran over to the people running th contest to check us in. She not only was our roadie, but she was also our manager and merch girl. She is super woman and we love her.

"So, does anyone have a clue what the mystery prize is?" asked Bee. The rest of us shrugged and Jaci came back to us.

"Okay, you guys are going sixth, which is last," she said leaning against Liss.

"Oh yeah, saving the best for last!" I exclaimed.

"Until then, we can check out the competition," Lyndsey suggested. We all agreed and made our way towards the stage.

When the fourth band was finishing up their set, we got our equipment and took it backstage so it could be set up.

The other bands were pretty good. I was started to get nervous and I could tell the others were too.

Some big dude walked up to us and said, "Are you C.A.B?" We all said yeah and he shook his head. "You're on in five; you can warm up when you get on stage."

We said okay and got our stuff out of the cases. Bee did her little vocal warm ups as Liss, Mo, and I tuned our instruments. Lyndsey and Jaci were setting up the drums and chatting about random things.

When we got on stage, we started our actual warm up. Bee walked over to me and asked, "Where are the judges?"

I looked around and didn't see anyone that looked like a judge. I saw someone who looked like the Rev, but I doubted our favorite band would be here so I blew it off. "I have no idea. They're probably scattered."

"Yeah probably."

We all got in our places and Bee announced us. "Hello! We're C.A.B.; Crazy Ass Bitches, and we're going to blow you..." She paused and looked around at the crowd, where tons of the guys were cheering. She smiled back at us before turning back and saying, "away."

I swear some people saw, "Aaaw."

The majority of the crowd cheered and me and Liss started our first song.

After our set was over, the crowd screamed and cheered as we left the stage. We packed our stuff up and made out way into the crowd to see who won. Some guy walked onto the stage with an envelope. "Alright everyone the judges have spoken and the third place winner is Cold Water Burial!"

Cold Water Burials went to the stage and got their prize.

"And in second place, it's Children's Party Handbook!"

The crowd continued to cheer and we were getting really antsy. "Now, it's the moment you've all been waiting for. The grand prize winner is, drum roll please."

Everyone was getting restless and started shouting. "Okay, okay. The winner is C.A.B.!"