The Wild Ride

Chapter 10

Moriah's P.O.V.
Well, this sucks. As we were walking to Arby's to get nourishment, I felt a little lonely and slightly left out. Everyone, except me, seems to have made a friend (or more for some people) from this touring experience. I mean, sure, we're all at least nice to each other, but the other girls seem closer. I guess this is really my fault; if I would break out of my shell and talk more like they do, this probably wouldn't be a problem. I hate being so shy around people I don't know.

Since I was bringing up the rear, I started eavesdropping on the others' conversations. Hey, if I'm going to walk alone, I want something to entertain me.

Jaci, who wasn't far in front of me, was flirting with Matt again. If they don't have sex by the end of the tour, it would be a miracle.

Lyndsey, Rilen, Jason, and Mattie were ahead of them talking. Even though Lynds thought Jason was hot, I didn't see much chemistry between them yet. It probably won't be a while until they get to where Jaci and Matt were, considering her trust issues from the last relationship.

Jen was on Jimmy's shoulders yelling, "I can see my fucking house from here!" I shook my head and chuckled.

Liss, Johnny, Bee, and Brian were shouting out random things we passed on the street like signs, people, etc. I swear they should be thrown into the looney bin. Oh who am I kidding? We should all probably be in an insane asylum somewhere for one reason or another.

The only other person by himself was Zacky, but then again he wasn't completely alone. He was on that God forsaken phone again. I swear that man is worse than a thirteen year old who just got a cell phone.

I'm just going to admit right off that I did like Zacky. The emphasis on the 'did' because that was before I knew he had a girlfriend; when I thought I had a slight chance with him. But oh well. I'm not going to let something pathetic like that ruin the tour for me.

We got to Arby's, Jimmy let Jen down from his shoulders, and we went in. After ordering, I sat down next to Jaci.

"You were quiet the whole way here," she pointed out. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged. "Nothing to talk about." Jaci stared at me, obviously trying to figure out if I was lying, then turned to Matt on her other side. I smiled an shook my head. What a flirt.

Everyone else joined us and Zacky sat across from me. I don't know if I'm happy or mad about this.

"Hey," he greeted.


"What's up?"

"The ceiling."

He smiled and looked up. "Yeah, it's a good think it's up here. Otherwise, we could get rained on."

I laughed a little. "Yeah." We at silently, which I was kind of glad for. I'm not really sure what to say.

Jen got up and refilled her cup. On her way back as she was passing me, she tripped or something and her soda spilled down my front. "Holy fuck! Cold!" I screeched shooting up. I'm so glad I'm not wearing a white shirt.

"Oh my Rev!" I'm so sorry!" Jen stammered out.

I sighed. "It's fine Jen. I'm just gonna go back to the bus."

"I'll go with you," said Zacky standing.

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, but you don't have to."

"No, I want to. I'm done anyway."

I waited for someone to take hit statement in the wrong way, but no one did. Or at least they didn't make it known.

Zacky and I were heading toward the door when someone walked in. That person was none other than Gena. Are you fucking serious?

"Gena?" Zacky asked, obviously surprised to see her.

Gena looked at us both then smirked at Zacky. "Hey sexy," she said wrapping her arms around him.

I rolled my eyes and left, seeing as Zacky wasn't going to be accompanying me. Why did she have to show up? I finally get a chance to at least make friends with Zacky and it gets ruined. God, I swear she's fucking stalking the man!

I quickly got to the bus and changed. I saw no point in going back, so I got my Mp3 player and jumped into my bunk, wanting to forget everything that happened today.