The Wild Ride

Chapter 16

Matt's P.O.V.
"Thank you Salt Lake City! Goodnight!" I yelled after our set was complete. the crowd screamed as we left the stage.

We arrived backstage to get the girls, but they weren't there. "Where the fuck are they?" Brian asked.

"They better not be Febreezing the bus again, Jimmy groaned.

As if on cue, Moriah came busting through the door looking distressed. She ran over to me and started pulling me by the arm to the door. "Aaron's back and he's trying to take Jaci with him!" she yelled breathlessly as we headed for the doors that led outside.

We dashed to the merch booth. Jaci was standing with her arms crossed glaring at some dude in front of her. "Fuck you Aaron. I'm not going with you," Jaci snarled. Aaron grabbed her arm and tried to pull her with him. That's where I step in.

I ran over and grabbed his wrist, ripping it from her arm. "What the fuck do you think you're doing douche bag?"

He stared up at me, obviously intimidated, but he showed no sign of leaving. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked trying to be tough.

"Her boyfriend that's who!"

Did I just say that? The others were staring at me. "If you know what's best for you, you'll get your sorry ass out of here."

"Who's gonna make me?"

I didn't answer, but instead punched him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain. "Gonna leave?" I asked him. He growled at me and kicked me in the shin. I couldn't help but laugh. "You fucking pussy." I punched him in the nose. Blood flowed out of it like a mini waterfall.

After that, it became an all out brawl between the two of us. He punched me in the shoulder. Where did this fucker learn to fight, his grandma?

In response, I clocked him in the right eye. He flung his hands up to it. As he did, I landed another punch in his other eye.

Before I could continue hitting him, however, Liss tackled him to the ground and started punching him in the face. She bloodied him up pretty good.

Liss finally got up. "Now get out of here or Matt and I will break every bone in your body."

Aaron got up and left without another word.

"Fucker..." I growled.

I walked over to Jaci. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just pissed. He's like stalking me..."

I placed my arms around her shoulder. "If he ever comes back, he'll be dead the second he comes within 100 feet of you."

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Matt."

The two of us brought up the rear as we headed up to the bus. "So, did you mean that boyfriend thing?"Jaci asked suddenly.

I blushed. "If you want me to mean it, then yes, I did."

Jaci turned me to face her and kissed me full on the lips. "I guess I'm your girlfriend then," she said after pulling away.

I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Awesome."

We both said good night to each other and went to our buses.