The Wild Ride

Chapter 2

Lyndsey's P.O.V.
Oh. My. Rev! We Zacking won! I looked over at the other girls. Their mouths were hanging open in utter shock, as was mine.


The announcer guy seemed to snap us out of our trance. Mo started jumping up and down. "We won!" she shouted, making a beeline for the stage. The rest of us chuckled and followed her.

Moriah ran up to the announcer. "So, what do we win?" she squealed not being able to contain her excitement.

I pulled Mo away before she made someone's head explode with her pep. "Down Cookie."

She pouted a little, but it quickly turned back to a smile.

"Okay, at least she's excited. Well, before we tell you what you've won, here are your judges." Five men walked out onto the stage; five very familiar men. "This is--"

"Oh my Rev! You're Avenged Sevenfold!" we all shouted together.

"Yeah, and the Rev here is going to tell you what you've won."

Jimmy took the mic from the announcer dude. "You guys fucking rock!" was the first thing he shouted at us. We all thanked him and he continued. "So, since you guys are so amazing, you get to go on tour with us!"

"You're not serious, are you?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"Does this face look unserious?"

We all looked at each other and laughed. "Yes," Bee answered.

"Good point. But I am serious."

We all cheered. Jimmy handed the mic back to the announcer and returned to the other four. Jimmy beckoned us over to join them as the other guy thanked everyone for coming.

We all followed the guys backstage and out of the club. "So, you girls want to hang out with us for a while?" asked Johnny when we got outside. We all nodded excitedly.

"Alright, we'll go to my house," Matt offered. "Follow us there."

"Okay," Jaci replied. She had a "thing" for Mr. Sanders. I smiled smugly at her. She just ignored it.

We all loaded up and followed the guys to Matt's place. Once there, we all jumped out of our cars and joined the guys, who were on the porch waiting for Matt to unlock the door.

This was going to be so much fun! Us touring with our idols!

Matt led us all to his living room and sat down in a chair. The rest of us followed suit and took a seat on anything available.

"Well, congrats on your win," Brian congratulated us.

"Thanks Syn," said Bee with a smile.

"You can call us by our real names if you want."


"Wait a minute," I said. Everyone turned to me. "Am I going to be able to take my son?" Rilen Hunter Wyatt is my son who is two years old. I couldn't leave him that long with a babysitter.

Matt stared at me with that, "Are you serious" look on his face. "No," he replied flatly. "He could get in the way."

I glared at him. "No he won't. Jaci agreed to take care of him while I'm performing," I told him, controlling my tone.

"Just no. We can't risk it."

Anger flared up inside of me. Matt was just being an asshole now. I hopped up from my seat. "Why the fuck are you doing this?! I'm not leaving him at home!"

Matt just stared at me. He got up too, trying to intimidate me. It didn't work. "Yes you are because he'll just get in the way!"

That made me lose it. I punched Matt hard in the jaw.

"Matt you asshole! Just let her take him!" Liss shouted from behind me. I smiled. Liss was practically my sister.

Matt retaliated and punched me in the eye. Everyone's mouth was now agape in surprise, except for Liss; she was shouting insults at Matt.

I managed to tackle Matt and I socked him in the nose making blood gush out of it. "Fuck!" he shouted.

"Give up?"

Matt shoved me off of him and left the room. I got up and sat next to Liss. "Thanks for the verbal support Sister Dear," I told her.

"No problem."

"Oh my God. She just kicked Matt's ass," Zacky stated.

"Yeah, never underestimate the great and powerful Lynds!" Jen exclaimed, waving her arms in the air.

"Well Lynds. Seeing as you beat up Matt in his own home, I don't think he'll have a problem with you taking your son," Jimmy informed me.

I sighed. "Thanks guys."

"Okay, what are your names?" asked Johnny.

"Well, I'm Lyndsey," I answered.



"I'm Bee."

"Liss!" Sister Dear practically shouted at the top of her lungs.

"And I'm Moriah. The awesome one." Jaci slapped her over the head causing us all to laugh.

All of us, excluding Matt, chatted about random things for about another hour. "Well, we better get going. I have to pick up Rilen from the babysitter's," I stated, getting up from my seat. We all said goodbye to the guys and left.