The Wild Ride

Chapter 23

Matt's P.O.V.
After tonight's show we decided to stay in a hotel so we could sleep on actual beds. All of the "couples" chose to room together. Mattie was just gonna room with Jason, Lyndsey, and Rilen. Brian was conned into carrying Bee to their room and we all laughed. He glared at us and picked Bee up.

Jaci and I got our stuff and headed to our room. "I think Moriah has corrupted Zacky with Zelda," she said all of a sudden.

I laughed. "Well Zelda is a fun game."

"Yes it is, but he was all zombafied. And him and Mo have talked almost nonstop about it."

I thought back to earlier today when those two were talking and yeah they pretty much were only talking about Zelda. When we got to the room, Jimmy was a having issues opening his door. "Evil card key!" He shouted right after he threw it on the ground. Jen laughed, picked it up, and slid it into the lock. Jimmy pouted when she got the door open.

"You doing okay over there Jimmy?" I asked. He glared and then grinned mischievously before entering the room. I laughed and opened the door. Jaci flopped herself down on a bed and said, "Beds! I have missed you so!" I smiled and laid down next to her.

"You are a nerd," I said rolling to my side.

She scoffed, then shrugged. "I know."

She was about to say something, but I caught her in a kiss. I wanted to make it deeper, but someone knocked on the door. I'll kill them. Sighing, I pecked Jaci's lips one more time before seeing who was at the door.

"This had better be important Brian," I said as soon as I opened the door.

"What? Were you about to get laid or something?" I glared at him. "Okay fine, we are going to have a go fish tournament."

"Go Fish..."

"Yes, but not just any go fish, strip go fish."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? Who thought of this?"


"That doesn't surprise me. Alright, when does this tournament start?"

"In about an hour in our room. See ya there. You can go back to your fun now."

I rolled my eyes and said bye. I shut the door and saw Jaci heading towards the bathroom with bath products. She looked at me and said, "I'ma take a shower."

"Alright." I wanted to ask if I could join in, but that seemed a little soon. Hopefully she wasn't one of those girls who take an hour or more to shower, because I needed one too. To my joy, she was out within thirty minutes. "I guess there's a strip Go Fish tourney in Brian and Bee's room in about half an hour."

She gave me a weird look. "Go Fish?"

"I don't know. But now, I'm gonna take a shower myself so yeah."

"Okay...It was their idea I take it."

"I guess so."

"Uh huh. Okay."

I nodded and went to take my shower. I was out in about twenty minutes and got dressed. Jaci was flipping through channels when I came out. "Ready?"

She looked at me. "But I just got comfortable," she whined.

Her laziness cracked me up. "Come on, lazy." She stuck her tongue out at me and got up. Liss and Johnny's room was just three away from ours. I knocked on the door and Lyndsey opened the door.

"Hello Matt and Sug!"

We both said hey and were let into the room. It seems a game had already started between Jen, Moriah, Zacky, and Brian. Jen ended up having to take her shirt, cami, and socks off and Jimmy was staring intently at her chest. Liss waved a hand in front of his face, but it didn't do anything. Much to his dismay, the bra didn't come off that round. I could tell her and Mo were not wanting to lose. Mo had to take off her pants, but she cheated and had shorts under them, but she lost those two. Zacky was the one to advance to the next round.

I actually made it to the final round! I was amazed at myself. Mattie, Liss, and Johnny all made it to this round too. All the guys, including myself, were on the verge of getting boners. Who knew that Go Fish could turn someone on.

Mattie fucking cheats I swear. He won and only had to take off his fucking shirt. How the Hell does that work!? Me, Johnny, and Liss were just sitting there in our underwear. I saw Johnny "glance" at Liss throughout the round and all the previous one's she was in. I believe we did him a favor by kicking her off the bus the other day.

After the tournament, Lyndsey picked up Rilen, who was sleeping, and returned to their room. Jason was right on her heels the whole time. Mattie gloated some more and then left. Everyone slowly dwindled until it was just Bee, Brian (not that they can really leave), Moriah, Zacky, Jaci, and myself. We all talked about mindless shit for awhile, until a knock came at the door. "Someone probably forgot a sock or something," Brian said getting up.

His guess was one hundred percent wrong. The person wasn't one of the people previously in here, instead it was Gena. I swear she has Zacky chipped or something. "Gena?" Zacky asked getting up from the floor.

"Hey, baby!"

He made his way to her and asked, "Can I talk to you privately for a minute."

Her smile faltered slightly, but she said, "Sure."

Maybe he's gonna break up with her...

I started messing with Jaci's fingers as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Tired?" She nodded so I stood up, pulling her with me. "Well that was fun, we're gonna go get some sleep. See y'all tomorrow." Everyone said night and Jaci and I left to go back to our room. I heard Zacky and Gena arguing. These walls are either really thin or they are really loud or a bit of both.

Jaci got ready for bed and I just stripped down to my boxers and climbed in one of the beds. She looked like she was having a tough time choosing where to sleep. I smiled and held the covers up, signaling for her to get in with me. She grinned and snuggled up next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and thought, this is the first time we have ever slept in the same bed. Jaci gave me a lingering kiss on the lips before drifting off. I followed shortly after with a smile on my face.