The Wild Ride

Chapter 24

Zacky's P.O.V.
Gena stepped into the hallway and I followed her to mine and Moriah's room, trying to think of what exactly I wanted to say. She keeps just showing up out of the blue, and this time, when I, along with Bee and Brian are in a room half naked. Thank God Moriah got dressed; if Gena would have recognized her from last time, who knows what would happen.

Before I could give anymore thought to what I was going to say, Gena questioned, "Why are you half naked and in a room with other people who are half naked?"

"It was just a game. None of us were doing anything," I defended, keeping my tone level.

"Are you lying to me?"

Fuck keeping a level tone. I guess if someone calls the front desk to complain, I don't give a shit. "We've gone over this Gena! I have no reason to lie to you! I'm not cheating and I haven't even thought about cheating!" I yelled.

Gena leered at me for a moment, not saying anything. I paced the room, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. I looked back over at her and she wasn't glaring at me anymore; her face was now expressionless.

Suddenly, she placed her arms around my neck and hugged me. "I'm sorry Zacky. I just worry about you."

I about hugged her back and accepted the apology, but stopped, remembering that this is exactly what always happens. She apologizes for being a bitch and not trusting me and then we kiss and make up. I don't think I can do this anymore. I've been so stressed out because of her.

I took her arms off of me and pushed her away. She looked hurt, and I almost chickened out. But, this had to be ended before I broke down from stress.

"I can't do this anymore Gena," I almost whispered.

Her face became angry again. "Do what?" Gena crossed her arms over her chest.

"This, us. You're stressing me out."

She scoffed. "You? Stressed? Oh no! The great Zacky Vengeance is stressed! How do you think I feel?!" Gena was screaming at me now.

I punched the wall in my rage. "You wouldn't be stressing at all if you would just fucking trust me! I have never given you any reason not to trust me so I don't see why you think I'd hurt you!"

Gena's mouth was now agape in shock. Obviously, she didn't think I'd yell at her like that. When she didn't reply, I continued. "I'm so sick of you calling me twenty-four-seven just to make sure I'm not cheating on you! It's annoying as Hell!"

Moriah's P.O.V.
I was now left in the room with Brian and Bee, since Matt and Jaci took off. Even though our room was four away from theirs, I could still hear Zacky and Gena arguing. I bit my lower lip nervously, not really knowing what to do and feeling trapped.

"Well, I guess I'm going to try and go back to my room," I stated wanting to let Brian and Bee have their own time.

Bee nodded. "Okay. You can always come back here if it's too messy in there."

"Yeah, and watch out for flying furniture," Brian warned laughing a little.

I smiled. "I try to remember that Brian."

I walked out of the room and down the hall and stopped in front of the door. It was actually quiet. I sighed in relief, thinking Gena had either left, or they had made up and gone out together. I slid the key into the slot and watched the green light flash. I opened the door and saw I was completely wrong.

Zacky was next to the door and his head shot over when I opened it. Gena was also still there and was staring as well.


"You're leaving me for that aren't you?!" Gena screeched at him.

Wait, did she just call me "that'? And what was she talking about leaving her? Was he finally ending their relationship? If he was I knew for a fact it wouldn't be for me. Zacky and I are just friends.

"Gena, this isn't fucking about her! And she has a name and it's not 'that'!" Zacky turned back to me. "Moriah, go back to Brian and Bee's room."

I looked over at him. His eyes were pleading me to leave. I sighed in defeat, and stepped back out of the room. I closed the door and went back the way I came. After knocking on the door, Bee answered it and let me in.

"Did you get hit with anything?" Brian asked as he was flipping through channels. I shook my head.

"You okay?" Bee steered me over to the bed and we sat down.

"I guess so." I really don't know how I feel at the moment.

Zacky's P.O.V.
I wish Moriah would have just stayed with Brian and Bee. I guess it's not her fault. We are sharing a room.

I looked back over at Gena and saw she was now sitting on the bed, her face in her hands. She looked up at me and I saw tears in her eyes. Now she's trying to fucking guilt trip me. Well, that may have worked a few months ago, but not now.

I clenched my fists. "Go home Gena. I don't want to see you or talk to you anymore. We're done."

Her tears disappeared immediately and she got up and walked toward me. She stopped in front of me. "You're such a fucking idiot!" And with that, she stormed out of the room. I plopped down on the bed and shook my head. Finally, I'm free.

Moriah's P.O.V.
A loud banging on the door made me, Brian, and Bee look away from the T.V. and to the door. Brian shouted, "Fuck!" And got up to answer it. I sat up and watched him open the door, hoping it was Zacky so I could go back to the room and go to sleep. No such luck.

Gena barreled through the door and glared at me. "You! You did this!" I stared at her, probably looking utterly stupid. "You're the slut that made Zacky break up with me!"

Alright, I'm through being nice. This bitch is pissing me off. "Shut the fuck up!" I shouted jumping up from the bed. "I did nothing to your damn relationship! In fact, I kept my distance from him as much as possible!"

"You lying whore! I'm sure you were all over him!" She just won't quit. I finally lost it and lunged at her, fist raised, only to be caught by someone.

"Gena, I told you to fucking leave!" Zacky shouted as he let me go. She glared at him. "And I meant it! So if you don't get out, I will let Moriah kick you ass. And she can do it, I'm sure."

I smirked maliciously. Gena's eyes shifted back and forth from me and Zacky before she huffed and marched away. Once she was gone, I turned to Zacky and kicked him in the shin. "Ow, fuck!" I smiled and walked back to our room, laying down on my bed.

Zacky walked in and sat on him bed. "I totally deserved that." I looked over at him. "I'm sorry for getting you dragged in like that. I shouldn't have let it happen."

I sighed. "It's okay."

Zacky smiled. "Good." He stood up and stripped down to his boxers. He was totally oblivious to the fact that I was oogling him the whole time. It's not my fault he's sexy and just undressing in front of me; I'm just taking advantage of it. And now I don't have to feel guilty about it anymore.