The Wild Ride

Chapter 25

Jimmy's P.O.V
It was cheerful singing that woke me up the next morning. I groaned and buried my face deeper into the pillow, hoping the singing would just go away. Never again will I play strip go fish. The singing continued and I shoved my head under the pillow and sighed loudly. Why was Jen singing at this ungodly hour?!

Jen rolled over and used my upper arm and I could hear her soft breathing. So if it wasn't her singing...then who was it? Suddenly the bed sank a little bit and Jen made an 'oomf' sound.

"Wakey wakey my darling Jen Jen!" Liss sang.

Jen groaned and I lifted the pillow off my head, looking at the small girl who sat on Jen's back. She was already dressed for the day, wearing what looked like one of Johnny's hoodies and a pair of dark skinny jeans. She continued on singing unaware that I was watching her.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey! You need to get up now Jenn..." she sang.

"I don't wannaaa."

I let a soft chuckle escape and instantly Liss' bright blue eyes locked on mine. She smiled wide and began poking my bare back.

"Good morning Sully! This is your friendly morning wake up call."

"Friendly my ass," Jen grumbled.

"Matt wanted to wake you guys up. I wonder why he had that bucket of ice water for..." she smirked and tapped her chin.

"Ughh Princess you little pest. I can't deal with your happiness this earlyy.." Jen complained.

Liss just laughed and planted an overly loud kiss on Jen's cheek before she hopped off the bed. Jen grumbled some more and wiped her cheek on the pillow case. I gave Jen an amused smile and she just flipped me off and snuggled more into my arm. Liss was almost to the door when I realized something.

"Hey Liss?" I asked loudly.


"How did you get in here? We didn't give our key to anyone..."

She just smirked and walked out of the door probably back to Johnny. Short shit was lucky to snag a girl like her.

"She's a ninja Jim," Jen mumbled. "She probably nicked all of our stuff from the mini bar as well."

I just laughed and rolled out of the bed and made my way to the mini bar. There was no way you could get into that mini bar without a key from the front desk. They wouldn't give her a key right?

The padlock was still locked but when I pulled the door a bit you could see slightly inside. Even through the tiny crack I could see that the fridge was empty. All the beer and tiny bottles of liquor were gone. I groaned loudly and hit my head against the fridge repeatedly, listening to Jen laugh and say 'I told you so'.

An hour later everyone had gathered in the lobby, some of us more awake than others. Jaci and Mo were sitting on one of the sofas leaning on each other with Zacky sitting on the opposite side, keeping a watchful eye on Mo. Matt was at the lobby desk checking us out no doubt while Bee, Lyndsey, Jason and Mattie were all playing with Rilen. He's a cute kid. Johnny and Brian were nowhere insight, leaving Liss standing alone near the doors texting away.

"I'm gonna go talk with Mo and Jaci," Jen muttered and walked over to the sofa and laid against Mo.

I nodded and slowly made my way over to Liss. I hadn't gotten to know her yet and she seemed...interesting. I smirked and thought of the first day we met them. She was firing these insults at Matt, some of which I had never even heard of. She was feisty. I like feisty.

Her eyes were still glued to her phone when I approached. I bent down to her level and smiled, taking in her features. Her bright blue eyes moved back and forth furiously reading the text. She scrunched up her delicate nose in disgust and it made me chuckle. She looked so cute when she was angry.

"Who ya talking to chica?" I smiled.

Liss gasped and shot me an embarrassed smile. I heard Lynds laugh and Liss flushed letting out an embarrassed giggle.

"You can't sneak up on me like that Sully," she wagged a finger.

I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked, "I thought you were a ninja."

"Well this ninja is a little off today. No sleep," she sighed.

Now that she mentioned it she did look tired. Light lavender was smudged under her eyes and she just looked tired.

"So back to my original question. Who were you talking to?"

Jen's P.O.V.
I sighed and flopped down next to Mo, laying my head on her shoulder. Jimmy was acting odd today, he was babbling about Liss the entire time we were getting packed. Now I love Liss but I don't really enjoy hearing about her from the guy I like.

I really like Jimmy too. He's nice, funny, caring and just an all around good guy. Not to mention he's not hard on the eyes. Normally when we walked anywhere he would hold my hand but today on the way to the elevator, he just shoved his hands in his pockets and kept prying about Liss. I know she wouldn't do anything, it's obvious she likes Johnny. But could I trust Jimmy?

"Mo do you think Jimmy really likes me?" I yawned.

Mo gave me a funny look and gave me a one armed hug. "Of course he does Jen."

I nodded and stretched out, laying my legs in Zacky's lap. He didn't seem to mind seeing as he smiled and patted my leg, continuing his secret watch of Mo. He better get together with her soon or else him and I are going to have a little chat.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Jimmy and Liss laugh loudly. Hers was more of a nervous laugh, like she didn't like the situation. I lifted my head and peeked over the couch and scowled at Jimmy. He was telling her something, probably one of his outrageous stories but it was the look in his eyes that made me angry. He looked at her hungrily, like she was a piece of meat. He leaned over her, though towering over her was more like it, with his arm propping him up against the wall.

I scowled again but turned my attention to the lobby doors. Johnny and Brian had just walked in and I could see Johnny clench his jaw at the sight of those two. Something bad was about to go down and it wasn't going to be fun.