The Wild Ride

Chapter 26

Johnny's POV

I walked into the lobby with Brian, a smile on my face. The sight before me instantly killed my good mood. There was Jimmy Sullivan, flirting with Melissa. MY Melissa. My anger was somewhat quelled when I noticed that she looked uncomfortable. I took a second to get a handle on the remaining bit of rage, then matched over to the pair.

"Jimmy, what the feck are you trying to pull?" He turned to me with an innocent smile.

"Nothing. What makes you think I'm up to something?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Seriously dude, I'm not doing anything."

"Really? Because it looks like you're trying to get into Liss' pants." Jimmy glared at me and stood up straight. Okay, I know I don't look very threatening when he's towering over me like that, but I stood my ground. "What happened to Jen, huh? Having one girl completely into you isn't enough?!"

"Johnny, chill, Melissa and I-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. He had wrapped his arm around her shoulders when he said her name and that set me off. I pulled back and decked him. Once he was on the ground I started kicking.

"Fuck you Jimmy!" Somehow, he managed to get my feet from under me; I fell on my back, but quickly recovered and sat on his chest. I heard someone scream as I began punching him in the face repeatedly.

"Johnny." Her soft voice broke through the rushing sound of blood in my ears. "Johnny, please stop." Melissa's hands wrapped around my forearm. I looked back at her; her eyes were clouded over with memories.

"Shit." I jumped up as fast as possible and pulled her to me. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't think about that. I'm so sorry." I felt her nod into my shoulder. "I'll try not to do anything like that again." She was about to answer but someone tapped my shoulder. I loosened my hold on Liss and turned around. "OW!" Lyndsey smacked me on the nose with a rolled up magazine.

"Bad dog! No attacking band mates. No matter how rude they are being." She hit me again with the magazine; next she turned to a bloody Jimmy. "And you. You already marked your territory with Jen so don't go tryin to piss on trees that ain't yours." She threw the magazine at him and stalked back over to Rilen and Jason.

"Really. Are you two related?" Liss simply looked at me instead of answering. With a sigh, I directed her to step over Jimmy's body and led her to the couches.

"Johnny's my new hero!" Bee screamed loudly as we sat down. "That was like a David and Goliath battle and you totally stoned his ass."

"Um," I looked at all the other girls and they shrugged, "thanks Bee." She smiled widely before Brian drew her attention back to himself.

"Mama, I'm hungry." Rilen's voice broke through all the chatter. I rarely hear that kid talk. Which is amazing seeing as Lynds is his mom. Lynds picked him up and started walking out of the hotel. Jason practically ran to catch up with her.

"Where is she going?"

"To feed Rilen." Liss dragged herself off the couch. "She does that. If he says he's hungry or wants to do something, she'll just take him. She doesn't see the point in asking him if he's sure about it."

"And where are you going?"

"To eat." She walked away.

"I guess we're going to eat." I followed Liss outside. Soon, both bands were slowly making their way to find food. Lynds sent a text to everyone's phone telling us where they were. When we met up, I noticed that Jimmy was missing. Inside, we quickly found Jason, Lynds, and Rilen. Everybody filed in around the large table and got comfortable. It took forever for a server to come to the table. Looking around the table, I thought Mo was getting a little antsy.

"Are you okay Mo?"

"No! I demand to be serviced!" She snapped her fingers and pointed at the table. Coincidently, it looked like she was pointing to a more private area.

"Well babe, if you'll allow me to escort you to the bathroom that can be arranged." We all turned to see Jimmy. Someone growled.

"Lynds! I told you to stop growling at people."

Lyndsey completely ignored Bee and addressed Jimmy. "Jimmy, I suggest you shut up and sit down. I'm not in the mood to beat your ass right now." She scowled at him and then turned back to Rilen with a smile on her face. His eyes flashed a bit of lust, but he sat down anyway. Simultaneously, Jason and I each scooted a little closer to Liss and Lynds.

What the hell is up with Jimmy right now?