The Wild Ride

Chapter 27

Brian's POV

After Jimmy's proposition to Mo, I swear I saw Zacky scoot a little closer to her. Maybe he's finally seeing the light. I gave Jimmy a look as he sat down. Lust had flashed in his eyes when Lyndsey chewed him out; he's going to get his ass beat if he doesn't straighten out.

The server eventually showed up, breaking the tension. I felt Bee shift next to me and looked at her. Her face lit up as the waiter took orders. I chuckled, causing her to shift her gaze to me.


"You just look so excited."

"I'm hungry," she pouted at me, then turned to the waiter. "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries, the spaghetti, a salad, and a bake potato. With sweet tea to drink please." I heard a muttered 'oh my lanta' from somewhere down the table and assumed it was one of the girls. "Oh and Brian? You're paying for my food. Do you have pancakes here?" She addressed the server with this last sentence. At his head shake, she sighed and handed over her menu.

"See sister! I'm not the only one who has a food addiction." Liss pointed an accusing finger at Lynds.

"Food seems to be crack to this group. But your addiction is the worst, sister dear."

The rest of the meal was a little subdued. Everyone was into their own conversations with those around them. Jimmy received the silent treatment from the group though. It was almost as if we all had an unspoken agreement to ignore him until he got his head straightened out. I focused my attention on Bee. Jen was trying convince her that eating foods made with gelatin is unnatural.

"Bee, gelatin is made from the collagen of horse and cattle bones." I choked on my Coke when this little tidbit hit my ears. "See, it's nasty." Jen pointed to me.

"That won't stop me from eating skittles."

"Skittles have gelatin in them?" Both Jen and Bee nodded. "Wow." I shuddered a few minutes later, still thinking about gelatin. Bee patted my thigh and I caught her hand with mine.

The rest of the guys followed my lead and paid for the girls meals. Zacky took care of both Mo and Jen. Suck up. We left the restaurant, walking extremely slow back to the hotel. I believe I was still suffering from the shock of watching Bee eat everything she ordered. All the running around she does must play a part in her being able to eat like that and not gain a bunch of weight. I intentionally made Bee dawdle so that I could spend some alone time with her. I led her around town until I found a rental car place.

"Seriously, where are we going?"

"Not telling." She huffed and sat back forcefully in her seat. "Yeah, like that's going to make me tell ya." I saw her roll her eyes as she turned toward the window. I flipped on the radio to kill some of the silence. During the drive, we passed through this area that looked like a swamp growing a bunch of dead trees. Hundreds of birds flew in and out of the murky area. It was kind of creepy.

"Are you taking me out here to kill me? This place does not look like somewhere people inhabit."

"Bee. Why the hell would I kill you?" She shrugged and returned to looking out the window. I exited the desolate highway after two hours of silence, screaming for joy on the inside. That is a terribly boring yet freaky drive to make. I parked in front of the small wood sided building; quickly, I got out and rushed to open Bee's door. She raised an eyebrow at me, questioning my actions. "Come on. This is going to be fun."

"Where the zack are we?"

"Glacier Bay. I asked some locals about cool sites and this is the one that got the most votes."

"Uh huh....." Bee's sentence trailed off as she took in her surroundings.

I really want her to like this. I've been trying to think of something that we could do alone. Most of the other guys have had at least one day alone with the girl they like. Bee and I haven't. I wanted to make it something she would remember and not just like any other day of her life. When we got to Anchorage, it was like I was struck by lightening. This state is beautiful; and since this is the first time I've been here, I chose to share it with her. Hopefully she appreciates this.

I took her through the gift shop and out into the park. "This is a state park. There's a lot to do here, but there's one part in particular that I want to show you." I grabbed her hand, lacing our fingers together, and began the walk down to the bay. Her gasp when we reached the shore of the bay told me all that my hopes were confirmed.

The water was a brilliant ice blue that darkened as the water deepened. Small icebergs drifted slowly through the water, birds landing here and there for a rest mid -flight. Chunks of ice dotted the shore as well. Cautiously, Bee approached one, me in tow. I watched her as she ran a hand over the ice in awe.

"See that?" I directed her attention to the glacier that cascaded down into the bay. "We can walk up the side of it. Want to?"

"Yes." Her eyes moved rapidly to take in the sight before her. When she didn't make a move to walk, I laughed and guided her toward the glacier. "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah it is." My eyes are on her, not the ice. I guess she felt it, because she glanced at me. Her cheeks instantly gained a pink tinge. To save her or myself from having to make any awkward comments, I began telling her about Glacier Bay.