The Wild Ride

Chapter 28

Jaci's Pov

Bee was still out somewhere with Brian so the bus was unusually quiet. She always had us laughing with her antics. Even though she stayed on the Avenged bus she spent most of her downtime here with us. It just felt weird not to have her running around.

"I'm bored," I complained.

"We could...PLAY ZELDA!" Mo exclaimed, jumping up from her spot on the floor.

"NO!" everyone chorused. Now I love Zelda too but I can't take anymore of this!

A loud thump echoed through the bus and we all turned our attention to the bunks. Liss was laying face down in her pajamas, ipod headphones wedged in her ears. Lynds stifled a laugh and Jen looked on with amusement.

"How the heck did she fall out? The bus isn't even moving!" I exclaimed.

"It's Liss. I'm still trying to figure out how she managed to break into my room and raid the mini bar," Jen grumbled.

Two sharp knocks at the door turned our attention away from the silly girl sleeping on the floor. We all got quiet and listened to the convorsation the boys were having outside the bus. Zacky was grumbling that Matt shouldn't have knocked, just walked right in, then maybe they could see more CAB boobies!

"What is it with guys and boobs?" I whispered.

The girls just shrugged and they knocked again, more impatient this time.

"Who is it?" Mo sang.

I heard Matt mumbled 'fuck this' and the door swung open.

"Luuuuuucy! I'm home!"

The boys all tumbled in at once, grinning like idiots, except for Jimmy who walked calmly in with an odd look on his face. Matt, Zacky, Johnny and Jason seemed disappointed that we were just sitting here, and not running around with our shirts off.

Everyone settled down next to their significant others sans Johnny and Jimmy. Jimmy was smart and sat on the kitchen counter, away from any of us girls that might try to hurt him. Johnny on the other hand stood in the middle of the lounge staring at the body on the floor.

"Is that um, Liss?" Johnny asked.

Lyndsey nodded and peered past Johnny and laughed at the sight. Liss was still laying there, face down and looking like she wasn't breathing.

"Shouldn't someone wake her up? That can't be very comfortable..." Zacky said.

All us girls laughed, knowing what would happen if we attempted to wake Liss up. We all learned early on that she valued her sleep above a lot of things, and waking her up was not only difficult but probably dangerous.

"Be my guest," I chuckled and leaned against Matt's shoulder. "Just be careful."

"Be careful?" Zacky asked hesitantly.

"Yes you silly. Be careful. Take the wooden spoon with you," Lynds laughed and pointed to the cup of utensils in the kitchen.

Mo giggled and the rest of us looked on with curiosity as Zacky approached Liss, wooden spoon gripped firmly in his hand. Johnny sat on the edge of the couch, tensed up and ready to spring if anything happened.

Cautiously he nudged her back with the spoon. No response. He tried again and it looked like she didn't respond, but I saw her hand flex. I chuckled quietly and Matt sent me a questioning look. I just smiled and pecked his lips quickly before returning my attention to the amusing scene.

Zacky nudged her with the spoon again, hard this time and in the blink of an eye Liss snatched the spoon and there was a loud crack. She tossed the now broken spoon aside and turned over onto her side, cradling her ipod.

"Um...OW!" Zacky yelled, looking down at his shin.

"Did she just break that spoon against his shin?" Matt whispered.

All of us girls broke into hysterics, doubling over and holding our stomachs. Something similar had happened to each of us when we've tried to wake her up. It was only a matter of time before one of the guys tried.

"I'm uh, gonna put her back in her bunk. Is she gonna try and like, karate chop me?" Johnny asked nervously.

"No you should be good as long as you don't actually wake her up. She sleeps like the dead when she actually does sleep," Lynds mused.

Johnny nodded and very carefully picked Liss up, walking slowly to her bunk and the two disappeared.

"So...if you two are sisters...does that mean you're gonna break a spoon against my leg if I wake you up?" Jason asked.

Lynds just laughed and patted his thigh, turning her attention back to Zacky who was staring at this leg, arms wide open and his jaw hanging open.

"She broke a spoon! On my shin!"

We had all migrated to the Avenged bus when Bee and Brian came back. Their's was roomier and could accommodate more people. Once we stepped foot inside all hell broke loose. Liss and Bee decided to have a drinking contest while Mo and Zacky got busy playing Zelda. The rest of us were content with playing with Rilen and watching the hilarious drinking contest.

"I bet you I can drink 20!" Liss exclaimed.

"Bet I can make it to 24," Bee smirked.

The two continued bickering over numbers and I could hear Mo and Zacky shouting profanities at the Zelda game.

"How about first to 26 without passing out wins?" Jen finally sighed.

Bee and Liss looked at Jen for a second and then smirked, shook hands and dove into abundant amount of beer cans.

"26!" Liss hiccuped. "I maaaade ittt."

All I could see of Bee and Liss were their legs, the rest of them was hidden under the dining table. It had taken them a little under two hours to down all that beer, though Liss would win by one. Bee would be so pissed in the morning, I was glad that I would be on the other bus.

Everyone had settled down, either because it was late or they had passed out from consuming so much booze. Matt was sleeping contently, his face buried in my chest with a cute smile. I rolled my eyes but ended up smiling when those dimples appeared. I was about to drift off into blissful sleep when I heard that dreaded song. Matt woke up instantly and started singing, making Jimmy scowl at him.

"I'm a Barbie girl! In a barbie wooooorrrrllllldddd!" Liss slurred.

"Oh no," Lynds groaned. "I thought she got rid of that ringtone!"

"Life in plastic! It's fantastic!" Matt sang happily.

Liss and Matt both stood up and began singing to each other, even though her call had already gone to voicemail. Johnny watched Liss and Matt dance around singing Barbie Girl with a slightly horrified expression, probably because she was pretty coherent. Or it could have been the fact that she was about to walk out of the bus with Matt, wearing only pajama shorts and a tank top.

"Wait! You need a coat! It's like...Alaska weather out there! You'll freeze," Johnny pouted.

"Oh don't be silly Johnny boy. Coats are for sissies!" she smiled and skipped over to him, giving him a loud, over dramatic kiss on the lips.

After a few minuted Johnny finally wiped the lovesick smile off his face and turned to me and Lynds gave us a nervous smile.

"Does she this all the time?"

Me and Lynds cracked up and smiled at poor Johnny, who was oblivious to exactly what he was getting into by liking Liss.

"You haven't seen the half of it love," I laughed.

Zacky scoffed and pointed a finger at the bus door, "You shouldn't date her Johnny. She attacks people. WITH SPOONS!"