The Wild Ride

Chapter 29

Lynd's POV

"I demand we go to a park," was the first thing Mo said after throwing her game controller in frustration. I was too busy laughing at Jason and Mattie's boredom to even give her any notice.

"I wanna drink in the park," Liss beamed. Johnny looked at her in his usual dreamy look. It was so funny with those two, you'd think that Liss was God the way Johnny stared at her. A grumble came from the corner, signalling that Bee was still pissed about the contest.

"Hard feelings, Bee?" Jason smirked. Bee responded by flicking him off.

"I am bored!" Jaci pouted, throwing a nickel at Mo. Mo playfully glared, but the nickel flew through the air with alarming speed, hitting a sleeping Matt.

"What the hell?"

"Can we do something?" I groaned. "I just want to go out somewhere. Anywhere, I don't care-"

Oops. That was alarming words with our crazy group. Liss and Jen already had their wicked grins, Mo was bouncing up and down with alarming hyperness, and the guys wore matching devilish smirks. It didn't take long for the girls to stare at the guys and scream-

"Hell no!"

Off to the park it was. I didn't want to take any chances with this horny bunch. Although I doubted Jason would take advantage of me, I still knew that he was a man. Let's not provoke his friend downstairs.

"But you won't be bored," Brian smirked.

"I probably would," Bee smirked.

"Ouch!" Zacky crowed. "You just got burned!"

I shook my head. We couldn't come up with something if our lives depended on it. Our attention spans were too low. I mean, Jen at the moment was screaming to her iPod, cracking us up to tears.

"I can't wait for you to knock me up in a minute, minute, in a second, second!" she started dancing spastically. She had all of us cracking up for the rest of the song; she didn't even know we were looking at her until she opened her eyes. Unfortunately, it was on the third song.

"You didn't even say anything! Evil people!" She was embarrassed, and the only one who could comfort her was Jimmy. Too bad we locked him somewhere.

"Where is the skinny fucker anyway?" Johnny looked around, confused. Mattie and Jason snorted, making our resident prankster's eyes shine like it was Christmas.

"What did you do? Tell me, tell me!" Bee exclaimed. Mattie wagged a finger, smirking.

"Now if I could tell you, I would. I just don't remember where we locked him..."

"What do you mean you don't remember!?" Jen shrieked. "We're leaving for the next city in a few hours!"

Judging from the pale faces of the Berry brothers, you could tell they forgot that Avenged Sevenfold needed their drummer. This was going to be a long night. At least our boredom was now replaced!