The Wild Ride

Chapter 31

Jason’s POV

I stared at Jimmy. Did he seriously just grab her ass? Lyndsey turned on him faster than a person can say damn. The malice in her eyes was enough to make him shrink slightly. Jimmy’s fear didn’t last long; he quickly masked it with a smirk. That sent me over the edge. I snatched him off the couch and threw him off the bus.

“What the hell dude?!”

“You grabbed her ass!”

“It’s nice. I couldn’t resist.” I wanted to punch him. My fist balled, but movement from the bus caught my attention. Rilen’s little face appeared in the window. I can’t show that shit to Rilen. I just can’t.

I had to take several deep breaths to maintain my cool. “Just don’t touch her. Ever. Again. I make no promises for your safety if it happens.” I mustered the meanest burning scowl I could and sent all my anger at him. I stalked back onto the bus with a growl, slamming the door behind me. Mattie dragged me to the back of the bus before I had a chance to sit down. Lyndsey was sprawled out on the couch fuming, while Rilen was still looking out the window.

“Come away from the window bud.”

“Otay.” That got me smiling. He does that on purpose. Lynds got him hooked on Little Rascals. She said kids movies were never the same after that. Rilen bunny hopped to the couch and pounced my brother- who was seated on the floor at the end of the sofa.

“I’m going to kill him. One day. Jimmy Sullivan is going to die by my hands.” Those were the first and only words to leave her mouth. Glowering at the floor, I moved her legs and sat down with them in my lap. Mattie and Rilen entertained us a sock puppet show for about two hours before Liss skipped merrily into the back room and told us that we were going for a walk. With lots of groans, yawns, and grunts, Lynds and I got off the couch. I picked Rilen up on the way out.

“Jason, I want to be The Mighty Ri now.” His little hand was caught up in my hair and he was sucking his thumb.

“Alright bud.” I lifted him up over my head and started walking a little faster. He shifted into a superhero pose, kind of like Superman’s. Our fun was cut short however by Zacky screaming like a little girl. I brought Rilen back down as I looked at the guitarist warily. He was running from a squirrel. A fluffy tailed innocent looking squirrel. All the guys shared a look right as the girls started giggling manically. Zacky tried to hide behind Mo, but that wasn’t working out to well. He ended up playing ring-around- the- Mo with his new friend.

“Stop! You’re making me dizzy.”

“Sorry Mo. But it’s after me.” He squealed again as the squirrel jumped on his foot. “Brian, get it off!” Brian snorted and walked away, pulling Bee along with him. “TRAITOR!!”

“Oh relax,” Mo rolled her eyes at him and snatched the squirrel up. “I am naming you....Gilbert! Run free Gilbert. Run!” She put the rat on the nearest tree and it scurried away. Mo turned back to Zacky, “Problem solved. Now, let’s walk.” Is anyone I associate with sane? I’m pretty sure the answer is no.

Mattie stole Rilen from me, making him squeal in laughter. We had a game of Rilen in the middle going until Liss came and ninja’d the little guy. Lyndsey joined them ahead of us. Matt and Jaci were walking extremely close and whispering about Lord knows what. Bee and Brian were nowhere to be seen. Someone might have to call them when it’s time to leave for the next venue. Zacky would randomly twitch every few seconds making Mo and Jen- who he was walking with- burst out laughing. Johnny slowed down to walk with me and my brother. Jimmy....well Jimmy was walking tremendously slow while sulking. No one paid him any attention though.

“The world needs to know. Are they sisters?” Mattie and I looked at Johnny, scoffing simultaneously.

“YES!!” This yell came from Jen and Mo. Johnny and I looked at them. “They’re sisters.”