The Wild Ride

Chapter 34

Jen’s POV

The blankets in my bunk did nothing to keep me warm as I tried to sleep. Guilt twisted my stomach into knots making sleep evade me. I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but I still like Jimmy. Leaving him to everyone else’s care just seemed to wrong. Great, first he made me feel like shit because he hit on other girls, and now I feel like shit because I’m not taking care of him. That bastard. I grumbled as I threw the blankets back and sat up. Shitty McShitterson had better appreciate this. Shoving my feet into my shoes, I snuck off our bus and hailed a cab.

The whole ride to the hospital, I just wanted to turn around and go hide in my bunk. I forced myself to get out as the car slowed to a halt.

“Cheer up lady. Whoever you’re going to see won’t like seeing you sad.”

I sneered at the cabbie, “Fuck off.” I tossed a wad of money at him and trudged inside. The nurse at the front desk didn’t even ask whom I was here for. She directed me to the third floor, telling me that Jimmy was still in surgery. I glared the whole way up to the third floor waiting room.

“Jen!” Jaci and Mo attacked me with hugs, guiding me to a seat between them.

“We don’t know the damage report yet.” I rolled my eyes and shrugged. Matt was about to say more, but the doctor came through the swinging doors.

“Those here for,” he paused to look at his charts, “Jimmy Sullivan?” The entire group stood up. “Ah yes. Well it seems Mr. Sullivan is suffering from minor internal bleeding, a broken nose, dislocated jaw, four broken ribs, severe bruising, and the obvious knife wounds. What happened to him?”

“He got jumped.” I smirked at the doctor.

“Well let’s hope you find whoever did this. Such ruffians out on the streets cannot be proper.”

“Quit shootin the shit. Can we see him tonight or not?”

The doctor looked at Brian disgusted, “Yes. He’s in room 369. Visiting hours end in 4 hours.” Matt thanked him and led the way to Jimmy’s room. I trailed behind, not wanting to be there. Surprisingly, Jimmy was wide-awake when we all entered the room. I sat as far from his as possible.

“So how did you like that ass whoopin?” Zacky cracked a foolish smile patting Jimmy on the leg.

“Oh it was simply fantastic. I wanna do it all over again.” He rolled his eyes and shook Zacky’s hand away. “Where are those two anyway?”

“We had Jason and Johnny stay with them. If they came here, they’d gloat when the doctor asked us what happened to you and we don’t need them in jail.”

Jimmy looked gob smacked. “You’re protecting them?! Look at me.”

“You deserved it.” Bee actually growled at him. “You just didn’t know when to quit. Lynds told you to stop pissing on trees that weren’t yours. You didn’t listen.”

“So that means its okay for her to try to kill me?! I probably can’t even play for a few months now.”

I groaned. “Quit being such a baby. They left your arms and legs completely untouched. You can still play. Unless you want to pussy out and bitch about being in pain the whole time.” I glared at him as hard as I could.

“You two need to talk.” Mattie made everyone leave. We sat there staring at each other for a few minutes. Jimmy tried a few times to say something, but failed horribly each time.

“What the hell was going through your head?” He shrugged to which I let out an exasperated sigh. “You need to get your shit together. To appease my own guilt, I’ll be helping you out. However, that does not mean you can take advantage of me like you have been. Understood?” He nodded solemnly. “Good. I’ll see you when you get back to the bus.”

“Jen!” He called after me, yet I ignored him and stormed from the room. I blatantly disregarded the shouts from my friends as I sped out of the hospital. I once again hailed a cab and as an ode to my amazing luck, I got the same damn cabbie as the ride over here.

“Guess it didn’t go so well.”

“Just shut up and drive.”