The Wild Ride

Chapter 35

Bee’s POV

It has been a couple days since Liss and Lynds sent Jimmy to the hospital. We had to postpone the tour a few days because the hospital wanted to keep him for a little bit. They hadn’t been able to fully stop the internal bleeding during the first surgery. He’s getting out today though. Brian and I were commanded to pick him up.

We also banned the Terror Twins from going anywhere near Jimmy unless supervised. Lyndsey likes to pick at people when they are in pain by jabbing bruises and the like. It wouldn’t be fair to ban her and not Liss though; so they both were put on watch. Jason and Johnny assured us they could keep them in line.

“Come on Bee. I just got a call from the hospital. We can go pick him up now.” I pouted, not wanting to get out of my bunk. “Don’t try to pull that shit. Let’s go.” Brian lifted me out of my bed and set me on the floor. I flicked him on the nose, and then ran away so he couldn’t attack me. “Hey! Get back here.” I rolled my eyes. Like I’m going to let him get revenge for that. He chased me around the rental car until Matt yelled at us to stop wasting time.

“Yeah Brian. Stop wasting time. Unlock the car so we can go.” I gave him a smug smile.

“You are asking for it girlie.” I scoffed, pulling the passenger side door open. The tension on the ride to the hospital sprouted from my apprehension. I expected him to retaliate quickly, but he didn’t. He was playing on that to make me paranoid. Brian threw me over his shoulder as we entered the hospital. He carried me in the elevator and when he was talking to Jimmy’s doctor. I had tried smacking his ass, pinching his sides, and punching him in the back. Absolutely nothing phased him. Although, he did tell me that if I smacked his ass again I’d be on the receiving end of a different kind of torment.

“Hey Jimmy. Ready to get out of here?” He brought his gaze from the TV to Brian and me.

“Fuck yes. The food sucks and they won’t give me liquor.” Brian howled with laughter, finally setting me down. I laughed lightly and tossed his bag at him. “Clothes? Awesome. I’m gunna go get out of this butt-show of a gown. Get my paperwork?”

“Sure dude.” Jimmy disappeared into the bathroom. “And that wasn’t your payback. I still have plans for you.” Brian snickered as he walked out of the room. I shivered and followed him. His revenge is either going to be horrendous or the best damn thing to ever happen to me. I debated on whether or not to be excited as we waited for Jimmy.

I still haven’t decided by the time we are pulling up at the buses. Instead, I gave up and led the way to the C.A.B. bus. Shouts about a shiny sword made me groan. Zacky and Mo have been playing Zelda for the past two days. The only break we had from the perverse comments was when Jen took Mo to get pet supplies for Gilbert. They dragged Zacky along just so they could hear him bitch about the squirrel.

“We’re back.” Jaci’s the only one to acknowledge us. She waved frantically then returned to her game of B.S. with Matt and Mattie. “Way to be happy to see us guys. I can see the love dripping out of your pores.”

“Shhh! I’m making this little people moan with my shiny sword!” Zacky didn't look away from the screen as he said this.

“Dirty people. You should be ashamed of yourselves.” We all gave Lyndsey a look. “What?”

“Lynds, you are far from being ‘little miss pure’, so don’t even go there.” She gave me the bird only to be scolded by Rilen. My laughter was cut off by a squeak when Brian pulled me down onto his lap. “Well hello sir.”

“Hi.” He smiled at me and kissed me cheek. He just has to keep upping my anticipation doesn’t he? Shooting him a confused look, I switched my attention to Jen. She was halfway trying to ignore Jimmy as he sat next to her. This has to suck for her.