The Wild Ride

Chapter 38

Johnny's P.O.V.
"C'mon Bee, can't you just cook once?" I heard Brian whine from the kitchenette. I was sitting in the living area listening to Zacky and Brian trying to convince Bee to cook.

"Yeah Bee. We'll never ask again if you do just this once," Zacky added, hope evident in his voice. I chuckled. I've been in a good mood for the past few hours, thanks to mine and Liss's escapades.

The others joined me in the living area. Mattie and Jason took the places next to me while the rest sat in random places in the room. "So, Johnny," Mattie began with a smirk on his face.

Bee must have finally given up because I heard her groan, then say, "Fine! Just get the fuck out so I can." Zacky and Brian cheered and joined us in the living area.

I returned my attention to Matt B. and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

He was silent for a moment. "You got laid!" he shouted suddenly.

"Yeah, he's the first one too," Brian pointed out bitterly, glancing toward the kitchen.

I grinned cheesily. "Well, what do you expect? I am the hottest."

"Cocky bastard," Zacky scoffed, "and that's a lie anyway."

I glared at him. "You're one to talk. You haven't even gotten kissed on this tour yet."

Zacky opened his mouth to respond then closed it again. We all laughed. That shut him up.

Shads was next to speak; he was more serious than the rest. "You are going to ask her out now, right?"

I blinked a few times. I hadn't thought about that. I mean I probably should but I just wasn't totally sure I wanted a relationship on tour. "Um..." I began nervously.

Jason punched me in the arm, obviously wanting me to go on. I hit him back, then said, "I just...don't know if I want to be in a relationship on tour..."

"You better, or you'll be doomed to live a horrible pitiful existence," Matt said with a scowl.

"Doomed!" Bee shouted from the kitchen. Brian repeated her, then they were both taking turns shouting "Doomed!" over and over again.

Mattie threw a pillow at Brian. "Shut the fuck up! We get it!"

This made us all laugh again. Bee came in a few minutes later with a plate of waffles. We all stared up at her. "What? Did you think I was going to serve you too? If you did, you were sadly mistaken."

We all shot up and ran to the kitchenette, only to find that there weren't anymore waffles. "Bee!" Brian shouted angrily.

We could all hear Bee laughing from the living area. "That is just cold Bee!" yelled Brian returning to the living area. We all followed him, empty handed of course.

Bee smirked triumphantly at us. "That'll teach you not to ask me to cook."

We all rolled our eyes and continued to chat about random shit until we arrived at the next venue.