The Wild Ride

Chapter 40

Jason's P.O.V.
Once the girls were finished with their set (and after I finished staring dreamily at Lyndsey), I helped prepare the stage for Avenged's set.

"Jason. Jason...JASON!" I turned my head to see my brother standing inches from me, looking slightly annoyed.

"Huh? I'm paying attention!" I yelled in response, before walking forward and tripping over a mic stand. Okay, so I wasn't completely finished fantasizing about Lynds. It's that outfit's fault, not mine!

Matt raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, that's why you tripped over that mic stand." He chuckled then walked away to finish whatever he needed to do. I growled and continued my techie work.

Once finished, I decided to go backstage and see what the girls are up to. I've only seen the guys' show a million times; I think I can skip out on one. I made my way down the hallway and opened the CAB dressing room door. Screams erupted from inside. I really should have knocked; everyone (except Lynds to my dismay) was still changing from their stage clothes.

"Jason!" Lynds shouted, rushing over to me and shoving me out of the doorway and shutting the door behind her. "Ever heard of knocking?" Even though she sounded angry, she was really trying to hide that she found it funny.

"Yes. I just didn't think it'd be important."

Lynds shook her head and laughed. "Yeah, let's just enter a dressing room without knocking. Genius Jason."

I smirked. "I know I'm a genius. I don't need you to tell me that Lynds."

Lyndsey rolled her eyes and started walking toward the exit. I went after her. "Where are you going?"

"Well, I was going to get Rilen and then go watch a movie," she replied. I stared at her with a slight pleading look on my face. "Do you want to come?"

Ha! It worked!

I shrugged. "Sure, but I think Mattie stole Rilen from Jaci so we probably won't see him until after the guys finish playing."

Lynds eyed me for a second, then shrugged. "Okay then..." Lynds started for the door again and I followed her.

I plopped down on the couch in the CAB bus. "So, what are we watching?"

"The Cube."

I raised an eyebrow. "What the fuck is that?"

Lynds giggled. "You'll see." She put the movie in and sat down next to me.

About twenty minutes into the movie, I started wondering why none of the girls had burst in on us yet. "Where are the others?" I asked, curiosity taking control.

"Watching the guys I assume. Why?"

I shrugged. "Just found it weird we haven't been interrupted."

She laughed. "Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm surprised no one's run in here and shouted 'Oh my goodness! You two are so cute!' or something."

"Let's not jinx ourselves now," I say playfully, chuckling a bit.

After about ten more minutes, I placed an arm around Lyndsey's shoulder, earning me a curious look from her. I smiled down at her. Maybe it will finally dawn on her that I do in fact like her.

After a few seconds, she finally returned my smile. I think we may have finally made a connection here!

I started thinking of Rilen again and became curious as to who is dad is. "You mind if I ask you a kind of personal question?"

Lynds shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"Okay, did Rilen come to be?"

Lyndsey snorted. "Well, my boyfriend of the time got into a bed with me and he-"

"Not like that! I mean, like what's the story behind that?"

"I knew what you meant. I just seized the chance to be perverted," Lynds replied laughing. "But anyway, I was dating Shaun White."

"Really, Shaun White?" I asked interrupting, a little shocked.

Lynds glared for a moment then answered, "Yes...Shaun White. Anyway, we got a little frisky and apparently had sex. He was my first and what do you know I get pregnant. Well, I told him and he was honest with me; he told me he wasn't ready for a kid so we broke up. He still pays child support and visits when he can so don't think he's an asshole."

"Well, that's good. I'd have to kill him he was an asshole."

Lyndsey put on a fake, overly grateful face. "Aw, you'd do that for me?! That's so sweet of you!"

I laughed and gave her a hug. She hugged me back and we both started laughing for no apparent reason. We continued watching the movie until my cell phone rang. I growled and looked at the caller ID. Seeing it was my brother, I figured I'd better answer it. "Hello?"

"Jason, where are you?" Matt asked from the other line.

"On the CAB bus...why?"

"We need to pack the shit up."

Damn, I had forgotten about that. I sighed and said, "I'll be there in a minute." I hung up and turned to Lynds. "Well, I gotta go do my job now so maybe we could finish the movie later?"

Lynds nodded and turned the movie off. "I better go find the girls anyway." I nodded and we both walked off the bus together.