The Wild Ride

Chapter 42

Jimmy’s POV

I rolled out of my bunk with a sigh. As I stooped to dig some jeans from my bag, I noticed that the bus was completely silent. Dead quiet. Which meant only one thing. Those shitheads left me on the bus and are off doing Lord knows what. I pulled my pants on roughly and stood. Muttering under my breath, I stomped off the bus and took in my surroundings. The venue sat straight ahead, rental cars were missing, and the CAB was quiet as well. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked toward the arena. Might as well play some drums to pass the time.

Upon entering the building, I heard a strange noise. More like disturbing singing. It sounded like a chipmunk on helium. Yes, it was that insane. Following the voice, I found myself in front of the stage. Jen, Lynds, and Rilen were dancing across the stage. Looking closer, I saw the Lynds was signing. And singing in an odd way. The songs changed from Atreyu to Jessica Simpson. She sounded like a little kid. Jen swung Rilen around in circles as they pretended to waltz around the stage. When she finished singing “Unbound: The Wild Ride”, I clapped slowly.

“How much helium did you suck to get your voice that high?”

Lynds looked at Jen and Rilen before looking back at me and answering, “I didn’t ingest any helium. I can do that naturally with my voice.”

“Really? That’s a little weird.” I could tell I was pissing her off, just by being there. A small part of me took joy in that. The majority of my mind, heart, and body however wanted to make her happy with me again. I wanted all the girls on friendly terms with me again. I looked to Jen, because she had been silent this whole time. She was playing with Rilen, pointedly ignoring me. I had thought we were getting better, moving past all the shit I’d done. Scuffing my shoe on the floor, I looked around not sure what to do.

“Everyone else is gone until about an hour before show-time. Why don’t you leave too?” So Lynds is trying to get rid of me now? I glanced at her to find her glaring at me.

“I just came in here to play some drums. Is that a problem?”


“Well aren’t you blunt.” She opened her mouth to say something else, but stopped at a gesture from Jen. I took a step toward Jen and Lynds growled. “Did you just growl at me?”

“Why yes. Yes I did.” A smug look overtook her features.

“Lyndsey.” Jen spoke for the first time. My head snapped in her direction, shocked. Lynds seemed just as gob smacked as I did. After some pouting on Lyndsey’s part, she turned to her drums. Rilen ran to his mother while I approached Jen.

“Jen.” I called her name softly, hoping she wouldn’t run away from me. Since she promised me in the hospital that she would help me recover, she doesn’t talk to me unless it’s to help me. She doesn’t spend extra time with me like I thought she would. Like I want her too. Slowly, I reached to hug her. When she didn’t resist, I pulled her fully into my arms. The feelings that washed over me at having her back in my arms was overwhelming.

In the background, what seemed like from miles away, I could hear a hauntingly simple drum beat. Oddly, it fit the moment. Looking down at Jen, I finally realized why I’ve been acting the way I have.
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Ridiculously short I know and hate me all you want for the ending but I have like 5 or six other updates to write...... Hope you enjoyed. Save the shanking of me for another time. I promise I'll make you really hate me later.