The Wild Ride

Chapter 44

Jaci's P.O.V.
On the road again.

It's been a few days since our Halloween fun. Things are going normal now. I use the term normal loosely considering the controversial saneness of my friends and I.

Johnny and Jason decided to stay on the bus until Liss and Lynds get over their clown trauma. They went to sleep that night (barely) and kept raving about how clowns are going to rip their insides out and use them as a jump rope. Once Jason and Johnny caught wind of their random spasms, they haven't left their sides.

I heard a scream of laughter come from the living area even through the Shinedown blasting in my ears. Having nothing else to do, I sauntered in and saw Rilen running around with Gilbert chasing him. Jason was cuddling Lynds on the couch, both of them chuckling while Liss snuggled Johnny, and Moriah and Jen were sitting in random places in the room, laughing as well.

"Hey look! The hermit has decided to join us," Mo announced through giggling.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the ground. Rilen turned around and picked up Gilbert. He began petting him roughly.

"Be careful Riles. Mo wouldn't appreciate it if you pet the thing to death," Jason said, still laughing.

Mo glared at him. "Gilbert is not a thing. He is a squirrel."

Jen snorted at her remark. "More like a rat with a furry tail." The bus was filled with laughter from everyone except Mo.

She called Gilbert over to her with a snap, making him jump out of Rilen's arm into her own. Moriah stood up. "If you need us, Gilbert and I will be elsewhere. Good day." And with that, she flipped around on her heel dramatically and left.

Liss shook her head. "I can't believe that girl got that rat a collar...with a name tag for Rev's sake!"

"She just likes little furry animals Liss," Lynds replied, smiling. Liss shrugged.

The rest of the day wore on slowly, everyone napping and playing video games through most of it. We arrived at the venue late that evening. We all practically fell off the bus to stretch our limbs.

After about half an hour, we piled back onto our buses. Before we could go do our own things again, Mo shouted, "Whoa! Everyone sit! We need to have girl time."

Jason and Johnny glared at her. "Girl time?" Jason inquired.

"Yes, girl time. That includes you two." Moriah smirked evilly at them, earning herself two middle fingers.

The rest of us sat down. Liss practically leaped out of Johnny's hold yelling, "We should tell embarrassing stories!"

Bee, who had joined us instead of staying with the guys, started. "I cried over food once."

Everyone laughed. Lynds nearly fell off the couch. "I can so see you doing that," Jason told her through his laughter.

Bee glared at him and stuck her tongue out.

Liss piped up next. " I can so top that! I tripped on the riser for Lynds' drums during our first gig! No one has let me live that down yet."

"Yeah, that was pretty bad," I said. "Everything was going so perfectly too...until that."

Liss started turning bright red. Johnny cuddled her closer to comfort her. Jason poked Lynds' stomach. "What about you? I wanna hear what embarrassing thing has happened to you."

Lyndsey's face became thoughtful. "Well, there was this time I was eating ice cream in an ice cream parlor. I started oogling him, forgetting about my ice cream, and it fell in my lap. Of course, with my luck he looked over and it looked like someone had splooged in my lap."

"Why didn't you ever tell us that?!" Bee yelled at her. She laid on the ground laughing hysterically and holding her stomach. "That's fucking priceless!"

Lynds stared down at her. "Because I knew this is how you'd react to it."

When the giggle fits died down, I decided to take my turn. "I choked on an ice cube at a party with like a million people around me. God it was embarrassing. Everyone stared at me and made joke about it all. Night."

It was Jen's turn to comment. "I remember that. Especially that one guy that wouldn't leave you alone for like three hours. He was creepy."

I nodded in agreement.

Mo's embarrassing moment came next. "We were at church for the Thanksgiving day celebrations and I fell asleep, as usual. According to these wackos, I fell into a deeper sleep than normal. I started having some rather interesting dreams." She looked down blushing, "one of which involved a certain Mr. Vengeance. My moans were heard in the pulpit. We sit in the very back in case Rilen acts up." Johnny and Jason's eyes widened. "Oh yeah. And our church isn't little. Mothers glared at me on their way out, the teens all smirked at me, and one little kid asked me what I meant by Deeper Zacky deeper and who Zacky was."

After we all calmed our tears, I realized that Jen was last to share. The rosy tint to her cheeks before she even started told all the girls exactly what memory she was going to tell. I settled further into my seat, waiting. Everyone was still giggling from Lyndsey's tale as Jen started.

"Well I think I can beat all of you." Attention turned to her. "It all started with a friendly little dare. Jaci," she glared playfully at me, "and Liss thought it would be funny to dare me to do a show wearing a special outfit. This 'special outfit' was made of nothing but whipped cream." Jason and Johnny gasped. "Oh yes. And, to make it extra special. Lynds added cherries." I stifled a giggle picture that fight. The guys started laughing, but Jen cut in, "that's not the embarrassing part."

"It's not?!" Johnny squeaked out.

"No. The embarrassing part came later. Half way through the show to be precise. Now, mind you it is hard to play a concert in a whipped cream bikini and not smear it. Somehow I had managed. To reward me for my hard work, the girls thought it'd be funny to lick the whipped cream off me-"

"I got the cherries!" Lynds interjected loudly. Jason's eyes bugled almost out of his head.

"After my....interesting bath. I was handed a towel in which I had to preform the remainder of the show."

While the girls and I were laughing our asses off at the memory, Jason and Johnny looked pretty damn uncomfortable. "Welcome to the Jungle" started randomly playing from somewhere and we automatically knew it was Mo's cell phone. She dug it out of her pocket, checked the ID, smiled, and ran to the back of the bus.

"Three guesses who that was," I said, a new wave of laughter coming on.

"Zacky," everyone replied in unison. We all shared an amused look and began laughing like hyenas again.
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Sorry if it's not that great...Just a filler XD

Lynds helped with some of the ideas