The Wild Ride

Chapter 46

Johnny's P.O.V.
"Holy fuck!" I sat straight up on the bed at the sound of Liss screaming at the top of her lungs.

"What is it?" I asked, ready to kick someone in the teeth.

Liss pointed spastically at the TV, where an episode of Family Guy was currently playing. "Did you see that?! The fucking horse just exploded!"

I rubbed my temples and fell back on the pillows. I HATE being woke up from naps for no reason. As if sensing my anger, Liss turned back to me. "Sorry. I'm a little hyper after that Red Bull I had." She grinned at me impishly.

I chuckled. I couldn't stay mad at her for long. "It's no big deal. I was only half asleep anyway."

A knock at the door made us both look at it. Liss rolled off the bed and skipped to the door, flinging it open to reveal Jason with Rilen on his shoulders. "Hey, Rilen here wants to go to a car show," I heard him inform Liss, "and since there's one here we're gonna go."

Liss screeched excitedly and the next thing I knew, I was yanked off the bed and into the hallway. There, I saw Lynds next to Jason and Rilen. Jaci and Matt were behind them, holding hands like the cute little couple they were. Jimmy was running up and down the hallway with Jen on his back, both of them laughing hysterically while Brian and Bee watched them. You could tell they were embarrassed to be associated with them at the moment. The only two missing were Zacky and Moriah.

"Where are the other two?" I questioned curiously

Lynds pointed to their room. I raised an eyebrow and I saw Liss' eyes grow wide. "What are they doing?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Not what you're thinking." We all looked back toward the voice and saw our last two friends walking out of their room. Mo looked really unenthusiastic.

Zacky sighed dramatically and added, "Unfortunately." Mo glared at him in response, which made him back off. I snorted. Already whipped and they're not even dating.

Rilen huffed, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "C'mon!" he ordered impatiently. Lynds laughed and led the way, the rest of us following.

After about a ten minute drive, we arrived at the car show. Rilen shot out of the car he, along with me, Liss, Jason, and Lynds, were riding in. Lynds and Jason shot after him. Liss yanked me out of the car and followed the other three as well.

Everyone regrouped at the entrance, then spread out to go as we pleased. Liss and I weaved throughout all the unique, strange, outrageous, and awesome cars. Liss squealed a lot which made me laugh.

As I was examining one of the strangest cars I've ever seen in my life, Liss yelled, "Oh my Rev! I want this car!"

I looked away from the strange marvel my eyes were beholding and saw that Liss was staring dreamily at a Chevy Corvette. I rolled my eyes. "My choice is way better."

"Oh is it?" Liss said doubtfully.

I smirked, then led her by the hand to a Dodge Charger. "Behold its majesty!" I announced.

"Ha, you say that's better than my Corvette? What have you been smoking?" Liss crossed her arms over her chest. "The Corvette is clearly the better choice. Even a cracked out monkey could see that."

I glared at her playfully. "Nuh uh. The Charger is." With that, the argument ensued.

After about ten minutes of senseless arguing, Matt and Jaci joined us. "No one is getting a car," Matt told us in annoyance.

Liss and I groaned in defeat. Matt rolled his eyes at us.

Jason, Rilen, and Lynds ran over to us. "Iron Man!" Rilen shouted, using his finger to indicate a statue of Iron Man standing over by a window.

Lynds bounced excitedly. "We're gonna take pictures!" She took off for the statue, Jason and Rilen following close behind.

Soon, our whole group was gathered around Iron Man. Bee had pulled a random person away from the car, shoved the camera into his hand, and told him to take a picture. The guy glared at her, but did it anyway. When finished, he thrust the camera back at Bee, earning him an angry stare and a growl from Brian. Bee just smiled cheerfully and said, "Thank you, stranger!"

We returned to the hotel after we had the picture taken. The girls were walking ahead of us chatting about whatever it is girls talk about. Suddenly, there was six thumps and when we looked to see what the sounds came from, we saw all the girls on the ground either holding their noses or their foreheads. Those of us not on the ground in pain burst out laughing except Rilen. He climbed down from Jason's shoulders and walked over to the girls. Once he was finished making sure they were okay, he glared at us. "You guys shouldn't laugh at them!"

We all managed to stop. "Sorry Riles," Jason said, scooping him back up. Rilen just crossed his arms defiantly. We helped the girls up and headed back into the hotel.
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Woooo! Update! Yeah, I know this is waaaaaaaaaaay late. BUT! At least it's done.