The Wild Ride

Chapter 47

Bee's P.O.V.
Sick on Thanksgiving. How lovely. I get to watch all my friends eat while I feel like puking with every little piece of food I stick in my mouth. Great. The first time I threw up was on Thanksgiving morning when we stopped for fuel. Lucky for me no one saw me make a mad dash for the bathroom. Otherwise, I'd be locked on the bus; no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

"So, what are we doing for our Thanksgiving feast?" Johnny asked as we took a break in a random town from being cooped up on the bus all day. Just hearing the word feast made me want to go throw up again.

Matt rolled his eyes. "We can't do much considering we're stuck on the bus pretty much."

"We could go out to eat," Jen suggested, causing Jimmy to cheer.

Brian "snuck" his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah. We could go to Popeye's." If I wasn't so sick, I might have hugged the man. Now however, I wanted to kill him.

Everyone agreed to Popeye's except Mo, who had a sour expression. Zacky shook his head chuckling. "Can you agree to anything?"

"Yes, I can," she replied stubbornly, "I just don't like Popeye's."

Jaci punched her in the arm and began dragging her in the direction of the Popeye's which was located a few blocks away.The others followed suit. I began to head to our make-shift feast but was held back by Brian.

"Hey, we'll meet you guys there," he hollered to them, earning him a raised eyebrow from me.

"Why'd you do that?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "You really think I didn't notice that you're feeling sick?"

I blinked at him in disbelief. How the hell did he see that when no one else did?

Brian laughed. "Get inside. I'll make you soup or something."

Before I could argue with him, I was thrown over his shoulder and carried onto the bus. He set me on the couch and went to the kitchen thing to make me some soup. The moment he was busy I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I quickly brushed my teeth and went back to the couch just as Brian came back with the soup.

"Throw up?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

I nodded and curled up in the corner of the couch. Brian got up and left me alone for a few minutes. When he returned, he draped a blanket over me and sat back down. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. Let's watch The Lion King."

Brian gave me a weird look. "Seriously?"

"Yes. It makes me feel better sometimes." I managed to grin at him despite how terrible I felt.

"Alright, I'll go get it," Brian informed me chuckling.

"It's in my movie bag." Yes, I have a bag that has only movies in it.

Brian nodded and walked back to the bunk area. I smiled to myself. I can't believe Brian turned down food to take care of me. I knew he liked me but I didn't think it was this much.

When Brian returned, he put the movie in and plopped down next to me. I sat up to watch the movies because I couldn't see well from the corner I was snuggled into. Brian placed his arms around my shoulders as the movie began.

At the point where Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba were singing Hakuna Matata, Liss, Mo, Zacky, and Johnny filed in. "Oh my God! Lion King!" Liss and Mo squealed simultaneously before practically falling on the ground in front of the couch. Well, our moment is now ruined.

"And why weren't you two at our lovely Thanksgiving feast?" Zacky asked, a smug look on his face.

"Bee doesn't feel good so I stayed here with her," Brian answered glaring.

Zacky laughed. "Right." With that, he walked back to the bunks.

The others filed in as well. The same question Zacky asked popped up again, and Brian answered it in the same way. Once satisfied, everyone else went to do their own thing.

When the movie was over, I got up from my place on the couch. "Well I'm going to bed. Night.."

"Night!" Brian, Liss, and Mo said together.

I made my way back to mine and Brian's bunk and the moment my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep.
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Not the greatest chapter ever, but at least it's written XD