The Wild Ride

Chapter 49

Jason’s POV

I woke up to Rilen jumping on me. Groaning, I shielded my eyes from the sun pouring in the window. Lynds probably opened the curtains just to be a bitch. Mattie and I have told her to stop doing that, but obviously she doesn’t listen.

“Uncle Mattie told me to wake you up! And he gave me Fwuity Pebbles from the bweakfast thingy!” Rilen kept bouncing around my legs. I glared at nothing in particular before grabbing him and tickling him. He screeched like a banshee for my brother to come rescue him. Mattie stood watching for a few minutes, cracking up.

“Yo, Jase.....” Mattie looked around the room confused. “You seen Lynds?” I stopped tormenting Rilen to look around. She was nowhere to be seen. Normally, she’s taking pictures or taping our antics. Judging by the looks of her stuff, she showered already. So where is she?

“No....” I turned back to Rilen to ask him if he knew, but he wasn’t there. The bathroom door slammed shut. “Rilen!” I rushed over to the door. “Ri, come out of there.”

“No!” I looked to Mattie for help, since those two seem to be accomplices in almost everything, but he just held up his hands and backed away. Sighing heavily, I returned my attention to the kid locked in the bathroom. As I continued to get Rilen to open the door, he started quoting Jeff Dunham and Bill Bailey. I shook my head. It’s a sad thing when a child has to be taken from his mother for the preserving of his young mind.

I whisper-yelled for my brother. He came over reluctantly. “What?”

“Why aren’t you helping?”

“Hey. I’m the cool uncle. You’re the daddy figure. If you wanna be with Lynds, you need to get used to dealing with him like this.” He smirked at me. “And I’m the one that gets to spoil him.” Patting my shoulder, he walked out of the room. I glared at his retreating back before refocusing on Rilen.

“Rilen, please come back out here. You need to be where I can see you incase something happens. And what would Mommy say if you shut yourself in the bathroom and she couldn’t get to you?” The door opened in the blink of an eye. I looked down at Rilen who was staring at me innocently. I chuckled picking him up. “Thank you. Now, do you know where you mommy is?” I carried him over to the couch. He nodded looking anywhere but directly at me. “And where is she?”

“She went out with Auntie Momo.”

“And did she say when she’d be back?” His response was cut off by the door opening. In strolled Lynds. Rilen jumped off my lap, squealing as he dashed over to her. I could do nothing but stare. Her was purple. Freaking purple! With white streaks all throughout it. She looked hot, but what the hell? She disappeared for a day, not telling anyone and comes back with purple and white hair. Not. Sane.

“Rilen! My loverly child. How was your day?”

“Good. I slept weally late and Uncle Mattie gave me the good-bad ceweal for bweakfast and I jumped-ed on Jason and yeah that’s all.” Totally. Her. Child. He didn’t breathe through that whole sentence. She giggled and congratulated him on a day well spent.

“Lynds.” She looked up at me just as Liss ninja rolled into the room, stole Rilen, and left. Lynds wasn’t phased by this, but it took me a minute to recover. She sat next to me, waiting for me to talk. “Your hair is purple and white. It was brown, blonde, and red last time I saw you. Mere hours ago.”
“Uh-huh.” She raised an eyebrow at me questioningly. “Your point?”

I sighed, “What else did you do? I know you well enough by now to know that,” I pointed to her hair, “is not the most shocking thing you did today. She smirked and stripped off her shirt. “I’m not going to like this.” Her bra came off next. I had to force myself to remember that I wouldn’t like it. She’s topless for crying out loud! After she’s situated herself, I see what she has to show me. A tattoo. On the side of her tit. My initial reaction was to laugh at the figures inked on her skin. Grumpy Bear and Red Fraggle are in a light saber duel. I almost laughed, but then I remembered where the tattoo was located. I frowned.

“Do you not like it?” She looked at me hopefully.

“You got a tattoo on the side of your boob, Lynds! That means someone had to touch your chest. I don’t care if it was a woman or a man. Wait, yes I do. I can hit a guy. Where did you get it done?” I jumped up going for my keys.

“Jason.” There was some shuffling behind my back as I assumed she was getting her bra and shirt back on. “I’m not telling you where I got it done. The ink is dry and paid for. Nothing, no amount of beating will change that fact that I had some really hot guy fondling me for two hours while he drew a picture on the side of my ta-ta.”

I growled. I think at that moment, jealously reared its ugly green head for the first time. I almost beat the shit out of Jimmy for touching her ass and I’m just supposed to let his pass? She said the guy was hot. She hasn’t shown much inclination for me and I can’t stand the thought of her even thinking of someone else that way.

Walking over to her, I slipped my hand into her back pocket and pulled out a business card. It was a male artist. I held it up between us and smirked. Lynds tried to grab it but I left smirking.