The Wild Ride

Chapter 5

Liss's P.O.V.
-One week later-
"Hey Jen? Can I borrow a pick? I accidentally forgot mine."

Jen glared at me. "How do you forget a pick?"

I shrugged. Jen rolled her eyes and threw me a pick. "Thank you!" I said cheerily.

"So, when are the guys supposed to get here?" Bee asked Jaci. I snickered at the eagerness in her voice.

Jaci glanced down at her phone. "Any minute now."

The guys agreed to come watch us practice today. Maye give us some tips too. We were all getting along great now that Matt had stopped being a douche.

A few more minutes passed and the guys finally showed up along with the Berry twins. The only one missing was Zacky. "Where's Zacky?" Lyndsey questioned while twirling her drumstick.

"He had things to do," answered Jimmy laughing a bit.

"Okay, let's do this thing!" said Mo excitedly. Whoever let her have that apple juice shouldn't have. Apple juice is like her crack.

"Okay, you heard the hyper girl. Let's get this over with."

The guys sat on the couch or just a random spot in Lynds's garage and we started our songs. Throughout the whole practice, I felt Johnny's eyes on me. It made me feel a little self-conscious, but didn't bother me too much.

Once practice was over, we all went our separate ways. As I was heading back to my car, I heard someone shout, "Hey Liss!"

I turned around and saw Johnny hurrying after me. I smiled. He's so adorable. "Hey Johnny. What's up?"

"Want to do something with me?"

I shrugged. What could it hurt. "Sure. What do you have planned."

"That new amusement park."

I squealed."Oh my Rev! I love amusement parks! Especially the roller coasters!"

Johnny laughed. "That's good."

"I want to change though. So, follow me to my place."


I drove back to my house with Johnny following. Leading him into the living room, he sat down on the couch to wait while I changed. I put on a pair of jeans and a red tank top and hurried back into the living room. "Okay, let's go!" I pulled Johnny from the couch and out the door.

"I'm so excited!" I squeaked as I admired all the rides when we got there. We quickly paid and went in.

"What do you want to-" Before Johnny could finish, I was dragging him over to one of the roller coasters.

After riding all the coasters several times with a few of the smaller rides thrown in between, we decided to take a break and sat on a random bench. "Johnny, you rock! Thanks for bringing me here!"

"I know I am and you're welcome."

I smiled smugly. "Cocky are we?"

He gave me a fake hurt look and slapped me playfully on the cheek. Even though I knew it was all for fun, something about it wasn't sitting right with me.

I was sitting on my bed reading one of my favorite books when I heard the front door open. It was nearing 3 a.m. so that meant the only person it could be is my dad. My drunken dad.

I quickly marked my page and tossed my book onto my bedside table. I turned off my lamp and pulled the covers up to my chin. I felt myself start to quiver as I heard my dad's heavy footfalls nearing my door. My light clicked on and I squeezed my eyes shit, hoping he would think I was asleep and leave.

No such luck.

Dad yanked the covers off of me and pulled me up by my shirt. He threw me and I hit the wall hard. I crumpled against the wall and watched as he advanced on me.

"Why do you do this to me dad?" I choked out.

He picked me up so I was eye level with him. I could smell the familiar scent of alcohol on his breath. "Because you're a little whore," he slurred.

"I'm only fourteen dad! I barely talk to anyone, let alone have sex!" This was true; there were only a few people I trusted.

"You're a liar!" Dad punched me in the jaw with his free hand.

I yelped in pain. "Dad stop!"

He started hitting me in the ribs and the stomach. I screamed in agony as a chilling crunch filled my ears, telling me he had broken some ribs. He finally dropped me and I yelled on impact.

"You're worthless. You'll never amount to anything you dirty bitch." He spat on me before leaving my room.

I jumped off the bench and ran for the parking lot. I heard Johnny yell after me, but I didn't stop. I flung myself into the car just as tears flooded my eyes. Why did that memory come back? Johnny didn't remind me of my dad or anything and that slap was just playful. I guess it was just to close to...what used to happen.

I heard the door to the driver's side open and close. "Liss?" Johnny whispered. "You okay?" I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, it's not your fault. For some reason that playful slap brought back some distasteful memories."

"Can you tell me? I mean don't feel like you have to."

I shifted in my seat and sighed. "No, I probably should tell you after running off on you like that." I took a deep breath. "Well, my dad was a drunk. Not a fun drunk either, but a mean drunk. He abused me mentally and physically. He even broke four of my ribs once."

"Liss, I'm sorry. No one deserves that."

I shook my head. "You didn't do it."

We sat silently for a few minutes. "Ready to go?" Johnny asked quietly. I nodded. He started the car and headed toward my house.

Johnny walked me up to the house. "Well, here you go." Johnny started to walk back to his car, but I stopped him by hugging him.

"Thanks for taking me. I had fun."

Johnny returned the hug. "Even though I made you freak out?"

I smiled. "Yeah, even though I spazzed."

Johnny smiled back. "I'm glad you had fun. I'll see you later." I let him go and he went back to his car. I entered my house and plopped down on the couch. I turned on the T.V., only being able to watch it for about thirty minutes before passing out.