The Wild Ride

Chapter 50

Liss' P.O.V.
It's been a week since Mo's and Lyndsey's little adventure and it did not end well for the tattoo artists. Jen, Jaci, Bee, and I returned to the hotel that day to find a pissed off Lynds in the hallway muttering about Jason being a worry wart and that he didn't have to go beat up the tattoo artist. Being confused and not wanting to anger her more, the four of us just returned to our rooms without a word. We hear later however that Jason successfully kicked the two tattoo artists asses, much to Lynds' distaste. She ended up shunning him the rest of that night.

"Ugh, Liss. Change the channel. I'm sick of cartoons," Bee complained while hanging upside down on the couch.

I quickly moved the remote under my ass and sat on it. "We're watching them for Rilen!" I informed her stubbornly.

"He's asleep though," Jaci argued, pointing at Rilen. I looked down at him and saw he was asleep.

I sighed. "Fine."

The second I flipped the channel, Rilen's eyes shot open. "Auntie Liss! Turn it back!"

We all stared at Rilen in awe. This has been said a million times about Rilen, but he is definitely Lyndsey's. I turned it back to cartoons, causing Rilen to cheer. About fifteen minutes later however, he was napping on the floor again, cuddling his teddy bear that Mattie had got him.

My phone started ringing from the coffee table in front of us. I snatched it and looked at the caller ID before smiling broadly. I flipped it open and said, "You're reached the CAB sexy bus. How may I help you?"

Jen, Jaci, and Bee, the only ones paying attention, looked at me questioningly. I held up a finger to tell them, "hold on," then said to the caller, "I'll put you on speaker."

I pushed the button and our friend Carla from Huntington filled the living room with her excited voice. "Hey guys! How's touring with those sexy beasts known as Avenged Sevenfold? We haven't spoken in ages!"

The four of us laughed and Jen shouted, "Hey Lynds, Mo! Carla's on the phone!"

The two stopped their duet to Danzig's "Mother" and dashed into the room, practically falling all over themselves. "Carla!" they cried together, plopping down onto the floor in front of the table.

Laughing, Carla said, "Hey! So do we have everyone now?"

"That we do. So what are you up to? How are Tamara and Stella doing?" I questioned.

"We're great! Actually, right now we're at an amazing party. I wish you guys were here!"

Bee scoffed. "At the moment, we do too. We're traveling to the next venue right now and it is BOOOORING!" The rest of us agreed in somehow and Bee continued. "But the rest of the touring experience is pretty fucking amazing."

"Ah, I see. Well, at least you get to oogle the smexi men of Avenged Sevenfold whenever you want. And up close too! Speaking of them, has there been any romance?" By Carla's tone, I could tell she was wiggling her eyebrows. She was always a romantic.

Lyndsey snickered. "Why yes, there has been. Jen has been getting cozy with Jimmy, Jaci and Matt are a cute little couple, and Liss here has gone all the way with Mr. Christ."

My cheeks grew warm. "Lynds! You're such a big mouth!" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her.

Lynds caught it and fell over laughing. "Failure!"

Carla's gasp snapped our attention back to the phone. "So it's true then Liss! You and Johnny Christ had sex! I would have never believed Lyndsey if you hadn't said anything, just so you know."

I mentally slapped myself. I just had to say something. "Is he good Liss?" Carla continued, causing me to blush even more and the girls to begin a fresh wave of giggling. I was probably the color of a ripe tomato at this point.

"That's none of your business," I told her with a cocky air to my tone.

Carla laughed again. "What about Lynds, Bee, and Mo? I would think you would have gotten your hooks into one of those boys by now."

Jaci had her mouth open to answer but closed it. A sound resembling gunshots rang out from my cell phone followed by screaming. The girls and I shared a look of worry as scrambling sounds surrounded Carla. "Carla! What's going on?" Mo finally asked the question on all of our minds.

Carla's answer came as a breathless gasp. "I don't know! Someone just started shooting and-" Carla suddenly screamed and sobbed, "Oh my God! Tamera and Stella are dead!"

The six of us in the room gasped before Carla continued, a little angrier this time. "You'll never guess who the murderer is! You fucking son of a-" Our friend was cut off by one more gunshot. The sound of her phone hitting the floor followed by a thud filled our ears. None of us had taken our eyes from the phone for a second as if they were glued to it.

Everything was silent except for a few stray screams from the other end of the phone. Then, Carla's phone was picked up and an all too familiar voice came from it. "Hello ladies. How's my darling Jaci doing?"

Jaci growled. "You sick bastard! You killed our friends! Why?! I'm not yours and I never will be again so get the fuck over it!"

Aaron seemed unfazed by Jaci and said, "This is your warning: I want Jaci back or next time it might be one of you." He laughed maniacally before crushing the cell phone. All of us were speechless.